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Everything posted by prdctvsm

  1. https://webéducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/This-Man-Just-Released-The-Clearest-Images-Of-The-Object-That-Landed-In-The-Middle-Of-This-Field-768x432.jpg
  2. ^ shadecloth helpz dem lil planties survive da heat !
  3. pls bring on the mf leadership, prioritisation & consensus from Vested Interests™ on this issue. revolution for change, by underground resistance here's an eg: Photographer And His Wife Plant 2 Million Trees In 20 Years To Restore A Destroyed Forest And Even The Animals Have Returned
  4. the collective response-ability to take care of ourselves, our fellow creatures & our environment is thwarted @ every step by the innate exploitative structure of capitalism which disavows sharing, cooperation & common sense for profit
  5. ^ using DuckDuckGo, works fine on Google mite b sumpin' w all dem ads
  6. on Android mobile : Web page not available net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
  7. oh dolan adds cred imo - if, in fact, it is him narrating ((;; the v use of internal combustion engines, fossil fuels etc - in this time where science & tech are exponential & all encompassing alone begs the ? re: suppression of alt energy sources. w or w/o grains of salt, conspiracy vids, ufos or whathaveyou. greer outlines this in the lost century doco posted above; detailing how most of the brainiac visionary science geniuses like nicola tesla coming up w breakthroughs in this field of free & clean universal energy have, for this +100 last years been so v naive, unskilled & outright deluded when it comes to the inherent practicalities & corruption of big business - so that all their hard won discoveries & inventions are either taken to the grave )):: , or inevitably sequestered, 'blackshelved' or suppressed by Vested Interests® money = root of all evil
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