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Everything posted by fenton

  1. you just have to mold life around your insanity - i think that anyone who let their polydrug abuse change them for the worse should man up thumbprint some needlepoint and revaluate
  3. This disease of a thread provides some in-depth analysis http://forum.watmm.com/topic/73682-women-and-the-idmz/ u were supposed to let that thread die m8, let it fade into history lol quietly. Just read through some of that thread. Ho-hum. :/ I not only listen to, but make music. That's great! Checking out your soundcloud now. =) edit: squelchy acidy stuff. i like Hah at first i was like ooh an IDM chick let's have look at her soundcloud for pics and all i could find was sigils and ASCII porn so I had to listen to the tunes on the ol' Adam a6s and then I was like
  4. i definitely put the word hotel at the end, which is about a fucked up hotel.... no demons yet. Fargo was just too twee for this week, will save it up for happier times. For now i want to see a fucked up hotel horror porn art epic.
  5. Is sicario getting a proper release stateside? / EU? full of uk actors so kicking off here. it's deffo the best film i have seen in the cinema this year, and i went twice. go see
  6. after reading this thread, and in a headspace of brutal no comedy shit after Narcos and Sicario i tried fargo and it was too funny for this week so... American Horror Story Hotel Just fucked up and majestic amazing horror like The Shining Part Two .... on drugs. not seen the rest but this new series is proper scary mindgames hotel shit! recommend. not that good but recommend. got this is england 90 lined up too. hated the first series but what could go wrong with 1990s shane meadows? (bad pastiche of rave culture but no-one has managed to film rave right)
  7. Yeah, Paradox for example Current Value Noisia Get played a lot.
  8. why did you drink tears when all that chartreuse snow was around? is chartreuse snow too good for you?
  9. There doesn't have to be a reason for the deletions, he might have just wanted to and your speculation can't melt steel beams or can it?
  10. appreciate you being open about it, seriously. for some reason people here think I'm the only truther on the board. yeah i'm talking about you Dr. Lopez its interesting to me though how many people share our feelings who aren't comfortable talking about it publicly, especially on the board. I get private messages here and on facebook all the time from people who feel similar to us (who for one reason or another don't talk about it here). What the fuck at Back to the Future vid lol. I'm no conspiracy theorist but some of that shit is just photoshopped right? Insane coincidences. Maybe not. But seems it Last night I had two amazing coincidences (staying at the Hilton, btw). Number 1 I was feeling sleepy and needed a nap before waking up to go see Sicario ... set an alarm for 17:45 (just about enough time for me to make it to the cinema and nodded off. Then I woke up at 17:44 just in time to sit up and get to the alarm before it made a load of noise. Then I set another alarm for 10 minutes and went to go 'get ready' (I was really tired and while being sleep deprived makes coincidences more apparent- I was also aware when I am tired I miss deadlines wildly.) and somewhen during this gap put on Venetian Snares 'Smersonality') this was epic and I danced around a lot. And the second it finished (right down to a millisecond I guess) I went over to turn it off before it looped prescising when the mp3 stopped. PRECISELY. Stuff like that is annoying as it makes you think not only are we living in a simulation or a fake ass film where you are the protagonist. But also that idea is horrible.
  11. Good video hope it didn't take them like 4 or 5 hours to string together tho.
  12. come on man, just be an asshole I don't want to be and it's not my nature. i don't understand this concept. why would someone dump you for being nice? She is suffering from depression. Didn't want to be someone "saved" because she doesn't think she can be saved, which she interpreted my niceness to be. I was just being like I would be with anyone else. But whatever. Hope she finds whatever she is looking for, not sure if she even knows herself what it is. I got my own issues to deal with it. Maybe this relationship thing is just not something for me. tl;dr who cares sounds like shit. I believe the simple answer is^ Next? (no seriously there is no 'answer' so ignore advice just try again, it's roulette. you'll get green eventually just keep sticking $500 euro notes on it. xxxxx love xxxxx
  13. Well, no. Aphex might be reading this and he smokes bare skunk and we want to catch him in the right mode. OK, last input from me. I got roped into some weird chat thing at a big venue with some dude that was touring talking about how he was 'the last one in the building' (a likely story, already). Now, he opened up the chat by saying "I used to work as a spin doctor for the government so I am used to speaking in public.". At the end when he asked the audience for questions I asked him (bearing in mind this was in front of a few thousand people so my delivery was quite off and also I was unable to press enter after every small paragraph AND I was separately hoping for his talk to be believable) - anyway I digress .... I said: "You opened your speech by saying you are paid to lie for the government." His reply: "Tumbleweeed...." (Massive pause). He didn't reply and then smushed over the fact he was responding to me by changing the topic and asking for more questions. Like no-one had ever asked him that. Was his whole theory moot and was he also a sleazy twat? Unsure.
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