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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. just got off work for the day -- thinking about marathoning all the colundi in a row. should i do it???
  2. his son was a friend of mine in college
  3. Has aleksi ever disappointed us before? He knows how to make music-- were in good hands
  4. Agreed. I want Reznor to switch to scoring soundtracks full time as his music output otherwise has been awful for well over a decade now. apparently he just also scored Citizen Four, the documentary about Edward Snowden but for some reason his score for it got almost no press at all. well that's obvious because it's not an original soundtrack (it's just ghosts) and also it's not a major director like fincher anyway i agree with all of this
  5. why are there peanuts in your coleslaw
  6. my uncle's company did some serious server work for EVE way back when in 05 or so and he got me a lifetime subscription or something - i've never used it- i fucking hate spaceship BS
  7. I got it too-- I would have paid for the digitals anyway so why not chuck a few more to a fantastic artist and have a cute little MD? Now I'm kicking myself that I didn't get the vinyl because I'll now have every other colundi
  8. 2% downloading..... this is going to be a long night... fucking excited as all hell tho - never got to play a second of GTAV so i'm a virgin and the ps4 shots look insane
  9. my personal favs after a fair amount of listening - by no means a definitive list wait some of the ones i like aren't on youtube :(
  10. anyone else excited about the HD next gen GTAV thing??? also someone explain far cry.. looks cool, what is it?
  11. Cheese is Kraft American singles u bozos
  12. Wolfed these little guys down right quick at home. Got some nice grass fed from a local farm and thought it was burger time. Right ones got some zatar spices in it with hummus and picked eggplant on bottom. Left one is classic prep- both have some nice sriracha onions I made the day before. They did the deed.
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