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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. haha, you look like you're having so much fun! to be fair i had just managed my iced tea open in that last one
  2. posing like an idiot in front of famous architecture quiz: name the buildings!! edit: and don't say 7 eleven
  3. osiris my fav. amazing stuff
  4. Boom! I will wait patiently and gratefully.
  5. Can someone like jason explain and sort through all the releases - explaining what they all are and which ones are good and which ones are worth tracking down on cd? I would be eternally grateful please and thanks d-lo
  6. just purchased. thanks m8
  7. fuck i need these now and I don't know where to get them. - the deepchord cds i mean urg found them on discogs and just went for it -- how much were they originally?
  8. femnazi pandering language is worse than valley girl lingo imO. ;-p jesus christ dude
  9. kinda old but it was fun edit: i will paypal someone 5 dollars if they guess what artist, track and album that music is from
  10. 6 down, 15 more to go? I have all the others on format -- feel like I need to get the vinyl even though I don't have a turntable
  11. holy shit I didn't think it was possible to make something I would find so abhorrent
  12. watmm has just been handed a new set of parameters heeyyyyyyyy be nice now
  13. My point is I don't pay attention to the cryptic code titles at all and just listen to the music so saying I like this code is funny
  14. hmm this rarely happens to me -- i mean i understand what everyone is talking about but my music mind is one of incredibly strict rhythmic structures. try keeping the 1 with ipacial section!!
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