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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by auxien

  1. y'all are gonna jizz when keyosc is a soundboard from a live set.
  2. not listening to these yet! not sure if i'm gonna. i'm torn....
  3. Prior to that my favourite AE albums .... Incunabula. I also really like Tri Repatae++ (although it's really a compilation of several EPs). also hates Untilted. i can forgive not getting Draft....but who hates Untilted? AND THINKS TRI REP++ IS A COMP OF EPS? i dunno who this mutha is but ban him. banhammer him Obel now do it
  4. shit this track is pretty good. i'm liking it better than i do spl9. groove like a mother.
  5. 2 hours. 2 hours and 32 seconds if i'm not mistaken. when i first read the release i was like 'whoa 2.5 hours wow!' and was only very slightly disappointed when it was pointed out that it was only 2 hours. sorry to be the disappointer here.
  6. i don't even want the album to come out at this point the fucking infinite thread has me edging so hard keep it up
  7. Some people just come across as more trustworthy than others. And to me, that's enough reason to feel justified believing pixelives's testimony (as opposed to, let's just say, gl0tch's or Awepittance's). You on the other hand seem more concerned with proving yourself right and others wrong than sharing in the kiosk circlejerk in a spirit of brotherhood. So if people believe pixelives more than you, it's your own fault. Be nicer and I think people will be more prone to take your word on things. this.
  8. best review ever. fuck all that 'these beats metamorphize like classic Autechre mixed with blah blah' or whatever crap every reviewer is gonna give us.
  9. auxien

    draft 7.30

    Nope. Alex Rutterford, buddy! oh! i was thinking it was like a Rutterford designed album, but AE provided those swirly bits themselves. information spontaneously creates itself in my mind sometimes. $5 bid from me! It kind of looks like Rube-Goldberg code (i.e. a convoluted way of doing nothing) in what looks like Pascal - A whole bunch of 'for'/wait loops with no actually functional part of the code, so it's either a timing section from a larger piece of code or (more likely) a bit of geeky humour by the boys about the process of the audience listening to the album (eg. Repeat Listendraft; until time = 1894 for tracknum = 1 to 12 ) that'd be funny if it were a nice little joke they did. i assumed with all the for/wait/if things it could be actual code for a track; i've personally used the dumbed down version of things like that in Ableton Live, to help create seemingly random/constantly changing patterns within particular rules. and that is something i could imagine they'd used on this album, if not others. just guesswork here though, i definitely know nothing about real code.
  10. auxien

    draft 7.30

    ugh i want the cassette so bad :/ and i know nothing about code so it's basically gibberish to me. someone on watmm has to have a decent idea of what that liner means. i assume it's part of coding for a track on the album, or perhaps for the artwork? i think the swirly shapes were something AE came up with.
  11. Just wanted to agree with this. And to reiterate that cohesion and "comfort" are by no means related. I wouldn't describe tracks on Confield as comfortable necessarily, but I love the album, and some of that stems from the album as a whole being an experience from start to finish. And I can't imagine listening to one track, they are all just an extension of the whole. For me Quaristice seems like a mix-tape, compiled from various parts of Autechre's career, in no particular order, and then burned onto a CDR by some random guy. Most of the tracks are exceptional by themselves, but I just never feel like I'm listening to a legit album. agreed
  12. same, it's almost pathetic honestly to hear so many people wanting one of the most futuristic provocative electronic acts to make an album that is comfortably cohesive for them to listen to. They have plenty of previous albums like this, and you just got another one for the people who want AE to go backwards, Oversteps. Exaited I fail to see how wanting cohesion means going backwards. I'm really surprised that somebody with an elaborate understanding of music like you mixes up cohesion with ease of listening. agreed. somehow it's 'pathetic' for me to want an album that is enjoyable to listen to? Quaristice was generally not cohesive imo, and though that may have been purposeful, i didn't enjoy that aspect of the album. so....i'm pathetic? i don't think anyone was screaming UGH MORE AMBER here....
  13. Remember Draft ? Remember Confield ? Remember Ep7? Remember Lp5 ? Remember Chiastic ? Tri Repetae ? You know what these albums have in common ? They have coherence. They have what many music fans enjoy in albums: unity. define coherence. Anyone with considerable music experience shouldn't be asking that. You know, when you get the feeling that each song belongs to the same record, and not like this or that song could have been on another record. For instance can you see any coherence between "IO", "bnc castle" and "perlence" ? I can't. On the other hand, I can clearly say that there is a coherence between "VI Scose Poise" and "Cfern", and I could go on. You know, records that have a specific sound, as opposed to being a mixed set of styles. Quaristice has some of the best AE tracks ever, yet it fails to be one of my favourite because of this lack of unity. This decline in coherence had already been started with Untilted btw. I guess that's why they call these kind of statements 'subjective opinions', because I actually think there's quite a bit of coherence in Quaristice, in exactly the same way that you say there is coherence with tracks on Confield. but, WATMM.... to me (subjective opinions remember!) the coherence of Quaristice is basically 'these are mostly just jams and they ramble and it's pretty cool and cheeky sometimes. we edited the stuff okay i guess.' which is definitely a lot different than any other albums except perhaps EP7 (technically an EP, so there's a change in what one expects from the collection of music. sorta. lol) Q has some good stuff, but i still prefer to listen to my own mix of the album, Quadrange EP, and Versions. or just bounce around to certain tracks. that's okay sometimes but i prefer being handed an album that feels cohesive to me. it does to some people obviously, good for you and the rest of them. it doesn't to many of us others however, so we're hoping it's not similar to Q in the ways which we did not enjoy Q. but, WATMM.... i bet keyosc is gonna be a pisstake track just to piss the AE subforum off. let's not discuss anything else ever ITT except all things directly Exai. that'll work. so i assume there'll be individual artwork for each track similar to the cover or something of the sort. perhaps the key to decoding the puzzle of the cover will be within?????? a test to see how big of fanbois we are, is it? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
  14. lol oh hang on, i see what you did there. that was meant to be a commentary on how Quaristice is samey, right? very acute. but you're the one being obtuse!
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