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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by auxien

  1. kind of my thoughts as well. he's got conviction, at least. and his ego can't be TOO inflated to have those kind of discussions about Lost. i generally disliked the show...it had it's moments, but overall it was just over the top. whatever though, he's got skills with making things tie in and remain interesting. Prometheus should be good no matter what. like Lindelof says, this is Ridley Scott's project. i don't think he'd ruin this.
  2. i actually like Coors, for the record. but that commercial is ridiculous. also, this interview is interesting. an hour with Damon Lindelof about Prometheus, Lost, and a little about Avengers/other shit. http://www.theverge.com/2012/5/21/3034664/damon-lindelof-extended-interview-On-The-Verge-episode-006
  3. the crashing alien ship set piece has been in at least one of the trailers, and i wanna say almost all of them since maybe even the very first 'full' trailer. not double checking, but it's been seen. i kind of like the poster...it's definitely an 'artist interpretation of' the movie, not a specific scene. more akin to if it were novelized, that would be the cover; very reminiscent of sci-fi novel covers, "old school" as BCM says. if anything i'd say they should've made it more stylized and have more of that retro kitschy feel even. i dunno if it's Scott or someone else attached to the project, but there's a LOT of fun being had in the marketing for this movie. it's staggering how much, really. i'm not sure i've seen any sci-fi movie promoted with this much vigor and in interesting ways.
  4. auxien

    Now Reading

    i read The White People the other night after hearing a few raves about it. definitely good, has some awesome moments in it. don't be mistaken, Hill of Dreams meanders...the meandering becomes more more interesting eventually though. not sure what the end of the novel will bring however. heard a lot of good about The Great God Pan. definitely on the list for the next from Machen. i enjoy his writing thus far.
  5. auxien

    Now Reading

    Arthur Machen's "The Hill of Dreams" which was at some point called by the much better title "The Garden of Avallaunius." it's a nice semi-autobiographical novel that occurs mostly in the narrator's head as he struggles to write, but is mostly lost in fantasies from childhood and whatnot. overall it has a few parts that kind of trudge along, but what novel doesn't? the second half is really picking up, got about another 16% according to my Kindle.
  6. i used to regularly lurk t.d.n. as well, and post occasionally; much like i do here. how many of us fuckers are here that were also on t.d.n? watmm/tdn sub forum request? okay not really. but shit, there's a few apparently. i can't even remember what name i used back then on there. it's been so many years.
  7. to clarify, i still enjoy Aliens. i just enjoy it less every time i watch it. that David clip is very strange though. i'm honestly curious if Scott himself directed these clips. i thought the Weyland one was a little heavy-handed, and this David one is over the top. maybe he's just having fun with it, and with trying this sort of thing out as marketing/promotion? who knows.
  8. Happy now you little babby? I still wouldn't call it a traditional prequel. It's related and happens in the same universe, but not a direct prequel to Alien. As far as it looks, they are not on LV-426 for this movie. Scott confirmed it's set elsewhere. LV-233 to be exact. i'm quite confused about this, because the trailer clearly shows the Space Jockey ship in a similar positioning and such. but i guess said ship could have many others like it (same class ship the Space Jockeys created) scattered throughout the galaxy for whatever reasons...which have a penchant for being left on small planetoids. who knows. i think the big reveals that Prometheus is assumed to have will explain this a little better. but maybe not, Scott may want to leave something to do for Prometheus 2.
  9. 1 was great when it was good, but had its flaws. 2 is aging badly; it's too juvenile. 3 is an homage to the great aspects of 1 that a talented young director pieced together amidst a bad situation. i took a dump earlier that was better than 4...wasn't near as shiny or colorful though; i'll admit that. but seriously, this should be an R movie and Scott knows it and most likely shot it like one, and will trim in the editing room for his director's cut and then a theatrical release that will be free of a few cuss words, intense deaths and maybe a splatter or two of blood. you can hear it under his breath in those quotes from the previous page of this thread; he knows he has to deliver a film that will get PG13 so that him and the studio can make their money back and something of a profit. it's a business and he admits it...he's obviously frustrated by it, but fighting and releasing an R cut will do nothing except guarantee there will be no Prometheus 2/future Scott-directed big budget gambles. this film will be good, it's just a matter of how good and in what ways; the ways it may be good may also not satisfy fans of the Alien franchise. we'll see soon.
  10. that point halfway through when the drums drop out, and right before they come back...fuck. they nailed that. and towards the end around 6:30 when the melody/noises come to a climax and it all drops down to just the beat and that whining noise. so damned good. i love this track so much. and this entire album. C/Pach and Gnit are fucking sweet too. so simple and direct but so well done. all the details in those tracks are perfect.
  11. oh they've got footage for days for a live release (from at least a large part of the touring the did for Lateralus, i'm not sure about the 10,000 Days touring, but it's possible). they had to have come to a group decision to wait and release it all once they called it quits or something, cause there's no other reason it shouldn't have all come out already. a small DVD production company could've compiled it all into any crazy format or whatever Tool asked of them within a year after the touring was over. the reports of them doing Faaip de Oiad after a few concerts once almost everyone had left is killing me, i can't imagine what the hell that would've sounded like live.
  12. tool records are always quality. I'm sure the next one (fingers crossed that it's a double album...it very well might be their last) will be good.
  13. Petal - Exit Strategy well done, simple ambient/drone stuff. available for free at http://zenapolae.com/node/327
  14. i've listened to this 4 or 5 times now. being unfamiliar with seemingly any of the music in it, i found it overall interesting; obviously enough for repeat listens. not bad overall, but it doesn't strike me as top quality. a few parts i'm keen on, and the fact that it's free means i'll keep it for sure. maybe it'll grow on me more over time.
  15. It's already been done, Thor and Captain America! zing! but, seriously. the trailer looks fucking amazing. the whole 'teaser for the actual trailer' thing is entirely ludicrous; that being said, if any trailer i've seen deserved teasers of its own, this would be it. i am too excited.
  16. what movies are most in need of an ideeem album synchronicity pairing, as in Dark Side of the Moon/The Wizard of Oz? i did a jazz search before this and 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris were mentioned in one thread, but i'm curious what else y'all had in mind. i've never seen Primer, but that movie has come up a few times IIRC. other ideas, folks?
  17. i'm definitely looking forward to this movie, i think it should be at least decent. i've never seen a Ridley Scott film that was 'bad,' though i can't say i'm a fan of much of his stuff generally. but from what i've seen from him, and what we know about the script/actors at this point, i don't think it's gonna fail entirely. it'll be interesting, at the very least. i'm bordering on excited at this point, we'll see how well that holds as more pics and details leak out closer to it's release. as for the original Alien films; 3 does get unjust derision, in my opinion. i LOVE that movie, despite the flaws made by a first time director and a meddling production studio. the 4th movie is hideous (i'd rather watch the AVPs than it, honestly) and the 2nd film is far too cheesy for me to care for it in the ways i do the 1st and 3rd. high hopes for Prometheus, though. also, there's this for all of you who are interested. nothing TOO revealing in it, but it's nice to see Scoot seem very committed.
  18. they don't seem to have that much any more...Second Scepe is probably the most obvious example of the idea (i think?) you're trying to get across. there's a couple of tracks on Draft that fall into this grouping, but after that there's not much. everything seems a little too dense the past few albums. (excluding Quaristice/Quadrange stuff, that was often sparse, but that's obviously jams, and i doubt that kind of conversational songtype can be achieved on the fly very easily, even by Autechre)
  19. it's pretty good from the youtube version, i'm gonna wait til it's on bleep though, to get a high quality version and hear in on my stereo/in my car. i'm sure it won't be too long before they put it up for sale. very funky shit though, no doubt. their output over the last couple years never ceases to amaze me with how varied it all is
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