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Everything posted by acid1

  1. Well, thats fucking awesome! I was not expecting MKI to get it. Bravo, Elektron!
  2. Trig conditions https://instagram.ftpa1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.2886-16/21904497_130733497568731_6556225641283321856_n.mp4
  3. This is nice. I like the Mutable/Audabile Instruments.
  4. I got this hurricane thing coming in, and all i want is Ramen at a closed restaurant.
  5. In general, I never equate analog with poly. I got my Virus for poly and Its exceptional!
  6. I took me 5 months to fill a 6U 104hp case... and I just bought a new 9U 140hp case... Unfortunately, I think the type of person that easily becomes addicted to modular is someone who has chronic GAS and likes to pour endless amounts of research into machines.
  7. Elektron style CV gate sequencer you say? This is the sexiest thing ever, conditional trigs for everything, even shit Elektron doens't have like retrigs. http://winter-modular.com/
  8. I really want to play this. I only recently found out it's a PlatinumGames joint. Its worth every penny. I bought the DLC but haven't been through it yet. I'm actually out of the country and having Neir withdrawls.
  9. Erica Black Wavetable VCO The motherfucker has my gas for about 5 months now. There is a deal atm where its 15% off. I hate my life.
  10. I want one! Even if its just to jam out some ideas before I expand via A4.
  11. I think you are wrong and the only way to create digital audio is via AD converter!
  12. Yup, I tried various iterations. I find that I get the most benefits from realtime resampling if everything follows the OT clock.
  13. I really want a Monologue for some mysterious reason that I can't seem to figure out!
  14. Yes! The OT is the master MIDI clock and my mixer has a feature so that when I mute something it goes out of outputs 3/4, which go directly into the Octatrack. My laptop acts as an instrument just like everything else. This basically allows me to sample anything plugged into my mixer when I mute it and everything is in sync.
  15. It certainly helps. I like to keep some gear in my closet so I can focus on one piece at a time.I work from this desk so I need space to do "desky" things. Also it was a $60 ikea hack.
  16. I just moved and setup the studio.
  17. Get an Analog Four and control Mutable Instruments Elements imo
  18. I finally finished Neir Automata and I think its easily GOTY for me, probably in the top 5 games I've ever played.
  19. Out of all the MK2's, I'm most likely to buy the A4
  20. The inputs on the OT are unbalanced so really the quality of the sound depends a bit on your cables. Wow, lots of fun to be had there, enjoy!
  21. The new buttons on the OT intrigue me. I have a gut feeling they will add trig conditions and other software updates later.
  22. My god is that sexy...
  23. All I know is, if they add all the conditional trigs to the OT MK2, this red and green guy sitting directly in front of me might be going on ebay.
  24. I got so sick of the 90% talking and 10% fighting of Persona 5 that I went out and bought Neir Automata this weekend and achieved full blow non stop errection since. If anyone here fell in love with Dark Souls, not out of the hype, but out of the mysterious, beautiful, and challenging aspects of the game - Get Neir!
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