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Everything posted by acid1

  1. So.. Burial has these 15 min songs with 3 song ideas each in them. I found I tend to enjoy the outros the most. They are usually the moodiest. For whatever reason I decided to make a mix of just Burial outros.
  2. I look a quick look at the first example over at https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/basic/demo0.ck 5::second + now => time later; while( now < later ) { <<<now>>>; 1::second => now; } <<<now>>>; The only thing that makes sense to me is the `now < later` part. <<<confusedaf>>>;
  3. How does this guy have more monthly listeners on Spotify than Aphex Twin?
  4. Did anyone receive their vinyl/t-shirt yet?
  5. I like the new remix! I wish it had the same visualization video.
  6. As much as I love my Virus TI, which has been my primary polysynth for more than a decade, I am looking forward to a VST version aka “Real Total Integration”
  7. Has anyone tried reaching out to Burial and asking him if he's ok?
  8. Holy fuck, that drop at 4:40!!!
  9. I put out another track on the Black Magic Recordings imprint. I used the newest version of Buzz to make this (out of some bits of a project from 2005 which was around when I joined watmm). Kinda crazy how far that program has come. https://blackmagicrecs.bandcamp.com/album/from-polly
  10. acid1


    I got the colored vinyl. Looking forward to framing it in my office and likely never play it or own a turntable.
  11. This is giving me serious gas. For $200 you could do a lot worse.
  12. Released a collab with Blinkhorn on a new imprint https://blackmagicrecs.bandcamp.com/album/divide
  13. I went through Aria of Sorrow for the first time the other day after grabbing an odroid go ultra. Amazing if you want more SOTN which I perpetually do!
  14. I have the greatest of sympathies for both artists who make the same song over and over again or need to constantly reinvent themselves.
  15. Is there a piano roll/grid on that thing for making patterns or does everything need to be played in real time?
  16. I was told to not go plastic. Weekend WIP.
  17. Banging! Not really into house, but dug the playful energy and bass.
  18. Pretty funky! Dug arguing synths the most.
  19. Hey guys, its been a while! 2022 has been a pretty rough year for me. Artistically I've been a pretty big slump for a while. I don't know how or why but this song was written pretty quickly this weekend. Cheers!
  20. I don't need anything like this but I'll also be curious how well it does. I'm going to guess that the real market they were trying to crack was a portable mac audio interface. The defacto goto for years has been the Apollo Twin Duo which is about the same price, much bulkier, and only two channels. I know at least two people who own one. The fact that you can throw the TX-6 thing in your pocket and multi track record 6 channels at once is pretty cool. Synth groovebox features sorta just seem like bonuses to me (oh look we got some extra rom, lets toss a few PO algorithm in there!).
  21. A few: The FX router thing is the first I've seen in any Elektron. As expected you can p lock it. I always figured this was going to be standalone box. Both analog and digital voices in a single box Relatively (12) high voice count with modular selection of machines (Rytm was 8, MD was 16). All can be used as MIDI outs kinda like an OT. Unlike Rytm and MD, a large number of synth engines are dedicated to notes/melody/chords. 4 trig performance buttons per voice. Although its common for every Elektron to have some kinda performance mode, this one seems unique to the Syntakt.
  22. I really wish this thing had a sampler because for me the best part of the MD was the RAM and ROM machines. That being said, I still want one.
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