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Everything posted by acid1

  1. From my limited playing around tonight, I think there is some fun in not knowing whats going on entirely, then reducing everything down to something more simple. Kinda like recording Elektron p-locks then reloading the pattern. You have to manually make patterns for your cc's, so there is plenty of things you can fade in and out.
  2. Coding your own music? Most IDM 2048-2088
  3. Sean hit the Clouds freeze button, forgot about it, and has been searching through his entire signal chain for what to turn off.
  4. viola voice ? to me it seems as though they named it after the violent synth voice Volca Voice confirmed!
  5. Just wanted to mention I have no real GAS at all, Digitone arrived and has been a baffling journey. Cheers!
  6. I got my Digitone in the mail today finally. I feel like its beginning to warrent its own thread.
  7. Akemie's Spirit was a patch of multiple channels of fm, which I live recorded into Ableton, and then I cross faded between multiple takes. Cheers!
  8. "Good" is certainly arguable but with my new album of modular beats I was going for an Autechre sound. https://carriersignal.bandcamp.com/album/mantis-structure
  9. Get a Rytm and a Noise Engineering BIA.
  10. Its surprising how much variation you can get from a single pattern.
  11. Its been fun trying to order a Digitone. I ordered mine on the 26th (the day after the announcement) and I was 239th in line and apparently there is a ton behind me. Last I was quoted was April :(
  12. Sadly, in a very close alternate reality he's president right now.
  13. I've made an amazing operator with a text editor.
  14. Mueller is prolly pouring himself a drink right now.
  15. I'm kinda surprised by the lack of foresight on the blockchain size. I figured that Satoshi-san would have anticipated the incredibly slow transaction times. I don't really see lightning networks saving BTC either.
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