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Everything posted by acid1

  1. A couple other A4 highlights Transpose mode - You can transpose your tracks in realtime with the little keyboard and lock it to a scale Feedback - You can feedback the filter stage of a voice as an oscillator to get some nasty distortion Polyphony - Probably the easiest and most configurable way to handle polyphony with an Elektron Voice Rotation - You can have any shared voices being used rotate through the post oscillator section 10 Performance Knobs which can each be assigned 5 values each, which is dead simple to configure Gate/Trigger/Note CV value can be programmed or routed from any track + CV track + FX track, so if you want you can take a melody you already wrote, and route that that to CV tracks, or just the gates etc
  2. If I saw an A4 for $700 I'd buy a second one probably. Thats another 4 more beams to shoot at my modular.
  3. I only have a few hours a week to game lately, and I am still trudging though Persona 5. My game file is about 105 hours now and I estimate I'm only about 50-70% done with the game. Jesus fuck thats definitely worth the $60 price tag , but I'd really like to see an ending screen this year.
  4. The more I look at this, I tend to think about it as an addon for the Octatrack if you want more MIDI parts or an addon for the Rytm if you want to free up the analog synths.
  5. I've always wanted a monotribe just to make noise swells and transition fx. Plus I love the aesthetic.
  6. Depends on what is proven. Highly unlikely the election result is invalid. Collusion does not necessitate an invalid election process. That's just about people doing things they shouldnt have been doing. Like steeling candy in a store. And Russia trying to meddle with the election process is also not a reason to call election invalid. Simply because its highly unlikely there is proof for it having a significant impact. The only impeachable thing trump might have done, is telling comey to stop going after flynn. Which happened while he was president. But im pretty sure thats not going to happen. Reps wont drop trump at this point in time. Theyre focussed on repeal aca and taxes. When thats done, it might be another story. Until that time, trump is the ideal distractor for reps implementing their agenda. This. Depends how badly republican senators want to show their support for Trump. Its a matter of the rush (and adaptation) to get rich before 2018 while pledging allegiance to Trump or hoping to get rich after that while most likely dealing with a democratic controlled house.
  7. Same. A4 is my heart and soul for the past 6 months and could never part with it at this point. I can't really comment on the Nord sound beyond what I've heard from a Nord Lead 2 but I find the Virus benefits more from the sum of its parts and ridiculous voice count ... fx. I find it does well at creating subtle buzzy sounds and massive lush pads.
  8. I recently pulled a Virus Ti out of storage. I can't believe how much I missed some polysynth action! This thing was so ahead of its time. Fuck the plugin it came with.
  9. Yeah my desert island drum machine is a rytm but the mduw mk2 is a close second. Comes down to the analog engine vs 16 part polyphony for me, plus you can do the ctrl-all stuff on the rytm with strom
  10. Modular is GAS level 9000. There is ALWAYS something you want, and the clever fuckers keep pumping out new modules every day.
  11. I'm not really a fan of switching recording/playback with parts like that. I prefer switching back and forth between a record and play pattern instead.
  12. Man, Persona 5 is a long game.. I've started to play Doom to take breaks from it.
  13. I went nuts over memorial day weekend and purchased the following ... Mutable Instruments Clouds WMD Arpitecht Expert Sleepers Disting 4 Intellijel Quadra 2hp Freez Whoopsie
  14. Get an Akemie's castle, twist knobs,run it through ass tons of CV, https://instagram.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.2886-16/17640029_203982790089014_2516094251197005824_n.mp4
  15. I find myself reaching for my OP-1 quite often when I want to make some lush chords that the elektrons or modular can't. I've taken mine on a few trips and made full compositions when combined with a smart phone. Being battery powered and having a built in mic is helpful.
  16. I really like the screen, the whole start + length vs start + end on sample playback, the ease of sampling externally, chromatic mode, obviously trig conditions. I still believe if this thing was stereo and had CV support it would be killer.
  17. If my OT had 8 stereo outputs my sound card couldn't handle it, but at least I could sidechain my kicks .. oh wait I could probably do that with a cue out
  18. How are Mutable Instruments such pure IDM?
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