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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Please don't do that to me. I also enjoy Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty a great deal, by the way. Does that improve my hardcore gamer rank somewhat?
  2. My PS4 gets somewhat noisy when playing Dragon Age. Sometimes. I think it's pretty normal. In Dragon Age's case I think it's because of all the heavy lore.
  3. Played Thief (the new one). I'll probably never get good at stealth games but I do enjoy breaking them, because this one really doesn't handle you going full-Rambo very well. Also, they crammed COD-like set pieces in there with you falling through roofs and buildings collapsing all around you in one level, which was super cool and fitting for a game where you play as a sneaky thief. There was also some exciting stuff about blue crystals that turn your girlfriend or sister or whatever into a ghost, resulting in spooky hallucinations. Great game.
  4. 9 more areas to go. Just be careful that you don't over-level your character, now that enemies don't scale anymore.
  5. DA:I never stops. 60 hours in and it still throws quests and other stuff at me every two minutes. Amazon.
  6. Treating an old man like this is absolutely disgusting behavior.
  7. Did you play Sleeping Dogs? No. Heard of it though. Is it sort of like that? Eh, kind of. You play as a cop in Hong Kong (I think). Arresting people and stuff. Going undercover and stuff, trying to balance your relationship with the gangs and police. But as Perez said, it feels pretty shallow. No other alternative at the moment though, as far as I know, and it's super cheap. Just a suggestion.
  8. your posts piece of shit lol. I'm sorry if I touch your feelings, but really, this game is a piece of shit :) that response piece of shit
  9. can you complete the story without killing anyone? i still haven't beaten gta4 but all of the characters seemed pretty scummy in my recollection. are any of the three characters in gta5 redeemable? No and no, not really. Never claimed that, to be fair. Just saying that the game's world is very very pretty and interesting to explore and if that's what one wants to do, one can do that without killing anyone. That's like saying someone watches Schindler's List for the stunning vistas of Europe Eh, that's not exactly what I was saying with that post. Or trying to say at least. I just feel there's a lot more to those games than killing random people at this point and playing them for the exploration and world alone is totally worth it.
  10. GTA has kind of moved beyond the whole senseless killing thing a while ago. Of course you can still do that, but... The worlds are incredibly detailed and in GTA V, where the whole map is unlocked from the start, you could in theory play it without killing anyone. Buy your vehicles etc.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3AMIF603wM
  12. Game is amazing. The bad user reviews are mostly angry PC users (surprise) complaining about lackluster keyboard and mouse controls. Just compare user reviews between PC and console versions and you'll see. Been playing it on console for the last week and the only problem I've run into was the game locking up once, because I accidentally entered conversation with two NPCs at once (which is not meant to be possible), and a bard playing an invisible instrument. And this is after more than 30 hours of play.
  13. When did you get to Skyhold? I was pretty surprised when I got to it after 20 hours or so. It's like the game only truly opens up at that point, while with most other games, you'd already be done.And the whole two-hour section before it... hhhhhnnnnggg
  14. DA: I is the best thing since sliced bread. And more addicting than gluten-free krokodil crystals.
  15. Dragon Age Inquisition is so good. Overwhelming but good... and amazing... and best game I've played in years. Only problem is that I'm not getting anything done in the real world.
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