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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Well if you want to practice anger management it's a great game to start out with!
  2. That's it, DriveClub is the worst thing I've ever played...
  3. DriveClub is stressing me out. Worst AI I've ever seen in a racing game.
  4. The new Moesgaard or? I want to go there at some point. Inside that is, already walked around on top of the building like some idiot. Looks cool! Oh, and grats!
  5. Oh man, I hated that. I got to the training lab thing and never touched it again. Does it get better? Dunno. Did you play Second Son first? Because I didn't. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying it so much. The controls and powers are sweet.
  6. Edit: nvmnvmnvm. Can't be bothered. Imma add you soon, North.
  7. Luv my PS4 so far. Only played four games so far but they've all been pretty impressive. Driveclub is nice despite the AI not really being the best. Dem graphics though! Killzone is also cool though I only played the first level. Eye candy everywhere and surpringly fun to play since the levels seem quite open. Infamous First Light is also amazing. Probably the best of the ones I've played. Oh, and I tried PT but gave up near the end after being stuck for 30 minutes. Cool concept though. Happy <3
  8. Eurogamer also can't tell their asses from their elbows. Wouldn't put too much faith in anything they write. Actually, that applies to pretty much every review site. They're all idiots.
  9. Just listened for the first time. This is GREAT!
  10. Barbra Streisand is still alive?
  11. This album is not challenging enough for me. I need more challenge.
  12. Don't worry everyone, Lianne will star thinking this is amazing once the next album is out. That's how things work.
  13. viral marketing for new aphex
  14. From what I read, the HD collection is playable but riddled with bugs and weird "upgrades" like the lack of fog. Still better than nothing though.
  15. WATMM needs to know where to direct its critique and complaints.
  16. Looks like Unreal Tournament but without the personality. New Silent Hill could've been cool but instead seems to have turned into another "horror" game with nasty looking monsters around every corner. MGS looks as stupid as ever, though I guess I'll play it because I have a weak spot for that particular brand of stupid. imo
  17. Yay, Norman Records seems to be shipping today!
  18. lol sounds nothing like it clean your ears dat irony
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