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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. I have Dragon Age Inquisition for my (almost) brand new PS4 in front of me, installed and ready to go. Bye life.
  2. The level editor in Little Big Planet 3 is making me mad. But still a lot of fun tbh bbq
  3. Little Big Planet 3 is a lot of fun, actually. Didn't think I'd enjoy it much but it'll surely tie me over until Dragon Age next week.
  4. I felt the same way until I put the filter on. Oh there's an option for that? HOPE
  5. Binding of Isaac is alright so far but I really can't stand the pixel-like graphics. Nearly ruins the game.
  6. All it took was one "toke". Then I saw the world for what it really was.

  7. lol "do you feel the need for a storyline" leading to Limbo.
  8. Playstation Network is the most unstable "service" I've ever been on. Can't believe they're charging people for this shit.
  9. New COD looks very good but so does the new Dragon Age... And I can only afford one. Life's hard.
  10. If it's just 10 people or so, I don't see the problem. Very few people genuinely enjoy standing in front of others like that but it's still something you should be able to do. Of course if it was like 200 people or so, that'd be pushing it, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Prepare well and you'll be fine. FINE!
    1. MisterE


      thats um..

      lots of uh..



      you have there

    2. Npoess


      That scroll is about as interesting as the lore in Skyrim.

  11. My taste in music is better than your taste in music.
  12. Funny how people keep dragging Clark into this, as if shitting on his stuff will make this horrible acid music any better.
  13. Yawn. These yawns are hilarious. Such entitlement. I like it. They may be yawns but they are screaming: ENTERTAIN ME! It's just one yawn to be fair, but you have to admit the music in that link is truly yawn-worthy. Generic acid taken to the next level of boredom.
  14. That one is free isn't it? Honestly, the time trials are actually a lot of fun. It's only when AI drivers are added into the mix it becomes unbearable.
  15. Well if you want to practice anger management it's a great game to start out with! how's the clark remix?The only good thing.
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