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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. amazing music:

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    2. chim
    3. Audioblysk



    4. Friendly Foil
  2. I don't see why this has to be choice between one or the other. Both are really talented musicians (already posted that but seriously.) Some days you're in the mood for this: And some days you're in the mood for this: Nice to see some threads dedicated to this genre of music on WATMM though.
  3. I just want to fly/walk around an endless universe and the game, from what has been said and shown, seems to deliver on that. The less fighting and constant objectives, the better.
  4. I know I'm a terrible human bean, killing the industry etc. for being excited about this but I kind of am.
  5. True but all those are big budget mainstream titles. That's not where you're going to find crazy artstyles and/or bright colorschemes these days, though there are some exceptions. "Realistic" gritty stuff is what sells so that's what they'll showcase on TV commercials. Judging a console's library based on a that is a bit silly.
  6. Friendly Foil


    good trap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyKYjr41-sw

  8. Finished season 5 of Venture Bros. Just keeps getting better and better.
  9. I totally fucked up on how I did my character's abilities. I haven't beaten the last boss yet because my attacks aren't powerful enough. Really frustrating. It's pretty rude game. There also seems to be a lot of trial and error involved when it comes to the sneaking but maybe that's just me being horrible. 1st person stealth is weird. Northern: I've only just made it to Shanghai in this playthrough and the first boss was easy enough using a stealth character. Just throw stuff at him. Not looking forward to the others though.
  10. Both Azalea and Minaj are really talented. Good music. Working on my shiiiiieeeeet
  11. Replaying Deus Ex Human Revolution after two years or so and it's way better than I remember it. I guess it's because I'm being super stealthy this time instead of shooting everyone. Still, the whole thing about this game being "open" to different play styles is crap. It's a stealth game.
  12. I got accepted to University, first choice and all. Very nice.
  13. u r so cool and kind dododododo

  14. I think what turned a lot of people off from AC1 was the repetitive structure of it all. You basically do the exact same thing 12 times before you reach the end. It was pretty much a demo of the tech that they then later on used for the other games. While I do like games like the new ACs and Far Cry I wish Ubisoft would get away from that basic structure that seems to be used in all their games now. It's as if every Ubisoft game has to have outposts to liberate and free running-like movement at this point. It's getting stale. But then again if it means that those games can fund stuff like Rayman and Valiant Hearts I guess I can deal with it.
  15. Yeah Saints Row IV was a pleasant surprise for me too. It was like the proper sequel to Crackdown.
  16. Dragon Age maybe? Origins and its expansion is great fun.
  17. I don't think I'll ever "get" the love for the Borderlands series. These games are terrible on so many levels. All the characters are either incredibly annoying or unfunny... or both. Controls are horrible for a game that seems to be all about shooting and the guns have zero weight to them. All the side quests are pretty much of the go-there-kill-him variant and the only reason to play them is for XP and some crappy gun that's way worse than anything you already have. Don't even know why I picked up 2 considering how much 1 bored me.
  18. Not sure I get the whole thing about TH being less layered than their other stuff, but I do agree that it's a very good album. Lots of arps.
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