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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by colunga

  1. oh gosh i feel so good to have these 17 new tunes. I would b okay with dumps of this size ongoing. this is really great tho. i really hope he never stops. (im saving all of these gushing comments for here haha)
  2. 11 phlangebeat 12 phuqed up 13 Phukup2 has anyone put together the possible discs/collections that these are coming from? these really go together and there are a few right next to eachother that sound sim. this is the only set of 3 i can think of that sound like they were on the same "disc"
  3. hah love that he didnt think that one 1995 clips was him . I really thought it was (and fits the 94 style). could have sworn he already answered that request with "dont think i recorded that one"
  4. Bummy vibes on Medeivil Rave. especially with the lil slowdown at the beginning
  5. Ya not a drop in the bucket for soundcloud but I'm sure there is a warp affiliated bean counter thinking "we could be making 00002 cents off each streaming play!! and they're being given away to this fucking app that has no advertising deal with us!! Each one of those tracks is money and views that are NOT coming to us!!" or something liek that
  6. Man this is exactly what i needed and I like this staggered schedule (but lets be honest i would love another load sprayed all over me). The "Just getting started" comment had me remembering the 487 (?) number we saw in the meta data of some track i forgot the name...So excited. I was just thinking (last friday) about if he would release anything on sc at all until 2016 - when we would get another similar sized collection. The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.
  7. couldnt you use that logic for any remix ever though>?
  8. New comments today :) I think the throatie pic was added not too long after the original posting... dont kno bout the others.
  9. colunga


    They had to shit it out before the Apple/Beats launch
  10. Nah it happened a while back between dumps (right before the last one if i remem cuz the last tracks that were dumped still have play count etc i think). I remember wondering if he had someone else doing that. but now i dont think so nah man, that is what I meant can't see it on any SC account, not just afx Oh yeah i see., I think its part of the new update. other lil things have changed on sc.
  11. Nah it happened a while back between dumps (right before the last one if i remem cuz the last tracks that were dumped still have play count etc i think). I remember wondering if he had someone else doing that. but now i dont think so
  12. Man Ive played these out since they came out. All of them. Pretty much every single day. Now stepping away. (no joke Shea's tracks are occupying my ears this week!)(also andy stott and gut nose!)
  13. Please by the star of babylon: No Alex Grey art plz
  14. LOOL sorry man I dont usually use Google Drive. Thought it was just: Pop em in, get the link, share the link, done. Just gave u access tho
  15. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12XmruijZ-3d3R2bW9kRkliSXc&authuser=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12XmruijZ-3dktibHhJR1BxeEU&authuser=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12XmruijZ-3WUQteFdpT1hZTjQ&authuser=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12XmruijZ-3anUySUxoVWRrUGM&authuser=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12XmruijZ-3SkJtTHl0aUdyTEk&authuser=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12XmruijZ-3N0c3U1c4Q0FTZHM&authuser=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B12XmruijZ-3eVJvdDN3QlpsVWM&authuser=0
  16. Sure. wats the best way to share big files like that tho? GoogleDrive? Im at work rite now Each show is like an 1hr20.
  17. Oh man thank u for the link. Recently got some old KISSFM (?) DnB/Jungle tapes from 94/95 off soulseek and theyre one of my fav things right now next to AFX and random soundcloud finds.
  18. geez were they involved in every single day of court proceedings from this lawsuit or what?
  19. is it mellow punchy that has the little bit of the track at the beginning? it sounds so similar to the full track that it could be a diff version? but i guess every track that was made next to another is a"diff version" in a sense.
  20. no but it has a similar melody. It's a diff version of 101 Rainbows off the Caustic Window LP
  21. had a dream that afx posted 120 more tracks the week of Demon Furries release. haah.
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