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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by colunga

  1. Just listened to Aenima for the first time in about 5 years wow. geez. its fucking great. At this point yea, I agree that it would be cool to call it quits. I don't want Lateralus 3. Just leave the legacy as it is and do a Coachella appearance in 2018.
  2. I've only seen this video in relation to Mario Maker but it looks really fun ! [youtubehd]yD1npgtQJkw[/youtubehd]
  3. "BoC Bleep Store now open - check exclusive Magic Window alt versions and previously unreleased 4-hours-unedited version of The Color Of The Fire" I think they have LOADS of stuff too, but the BOC Bleep store would probably launch like this: "BoC Bleep Store now open! - Check out the Twoism re-issue in FLAC and WAV, Trans Canada Highway Re-issue in FLAC and WAV"
  4. colunga


    OMG thank you for that. was going to attempt to cut them up but that idea was blown away about 20 minutes into the very first set i listened to.
  5. colunga


    I actually thought a "live album" was gonna be from squarepusher this year. He said something in an interview about how the songs on Damogen Furies were meant to evolve live and that by the end of the tour they would be different from the album. I dont think there were any EPs surrounding that release either (Z Machines album doesnt count to me)
  6. colunga


    oH Man this is great. Gonna have to wait until I get home but man I’m so excited about these. So into this method of distribution. I purchased all of the first batch and have been returning to Krakow more than the others. These releases are getting me to delete my bootleg collection of the same tour. I am totally okay with these releases being recent. I don’t expect to get any of the old ones, but if that happens holy shit.
  7. ya somone had asked that before and he said the same thing. mentioned something about wwishing/wanting to separate each element of it?
  8. oh noes! i really like the vids he posts. hope this take down isnt in relation to those!
  9. Although some of it sounds cleaner than ive ever heard it, isnt most/all of that from the rome gig 02 ?
  10. Through Nothing Records. I purchased squarepushers 'Music is Rotted One Note" first and hated it lol. sold it. then went on the hunt for Autechre. got tri repetae and wasnt really into it. Moved on to BOC and fell for Geogaddi in 2002. Then got Confield off ebay i think. THAT one blew my mind. then I was way into ae and Gantz came out a few months later.
  11. Hope so :) I kind of forgot about this one with all the soundcloud madness, but I hope he still puts up this one like he said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpWwtYo9V5s haha ive been thinking about that everytime anything happens with the sc that track and the very old cassette. Also the track titled "Jaws"
  12. http://documents.gawker.com/arrest-report-for-sunrise-florida-disembowelment-incid-1732402099
  13. recently been thinking of experimenting with "micro-dosing" mushrooms (1/10th normal dose?) to combat winter depression. only heard of someone else doing this. havent tripped in a year. not really interested in tripping too deep right now lol. anyone have any knowledge with this?
  14. Anders Behring Breivik shooting was a hoax too tho!
  15. 8th can be $50-65 here in nyc. Once I got over the novelty of weed delivery.. i noticed the weed situation here is pretty sad. loads of decent strains but dank is extremely rare. also most delivery services have ONE choice for you to choose from, with no strain names. Finally found one a service that usually has at least 3 strains available but man it still is not where it should be at all. :(
  16. damn sucks that most remixes may get the whistle blown on 'em :( Also noticed the Umil discription: "Orphaned Deejay Selekshun 2006-2007 E.P"
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