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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by colunga

  1. the one that's sold out was put up a few months ago. I really like it too but it was too pricey for me. I really like the shirts tho and i am going to grab.
  2. So I've been waiting to post a dank vid but it appears that the "YoutubeHD" option from the BBCode drop down has been removed. what do i do nao?
  3. lil wayne does it too [youtubehd]k7Q60W0UiTE[/youtubehd]
  4. Weird, I remember there was some drama about the ohio legalization situation, like celebs blocking out other growers or somehting. . Maybe thats why it's so backward seeming? "And yet it has driven a wedge into the usual pro-marijuana coalition, in part because of language in the measure that would restrict virtually all large-scale marijuana cultivation to 10 designated farms. The owners of those farms? A random bunch, including Nick Lachey, designer Nanette Lepore, NBA legend Oscar Robertson, NFL journeyman Frostee Rucker, a pair of President William Howard Taft’s great-great-grandnephews and twenty-some others — who, not coincidentally, are the same folks bankrolling the campaign, and stand to become very, very wealthy if the measure passes." https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/the-ohio-marijuana-vote-that-could-make-nick-lachey-a-weed-kingpin-yes-that-nick-lachey/2015/10/30/58bd2b28-7cc4-11e5-b575-d8dcfedb4ea1_story.html
  5. bury me in smoke http://gizmodo.com/archaeologists-discover-skeleton-of-ancient-stoner-wrap-1787483402
  6. I usually get burned out and annoyed at my tracks, which is why they usually get ripe and half forgotten at the 1 year mark and thats when I can really feel which ones are shit or which ones are okay to share. I did go thru a phase of trying to make a track a day and that was cool because i would forget them much faster
  7. i like rolling blunts cuz u can fashion a little mouth piece with it easier than joints. Then once u get down to the roach, its pretty much hollow and u can just throw it out.
  8. just realized they never go into what happened to the 4-5 other ppl that vanished. lol. Still had a ball with this tho. love it.
  9. The intro part on Ep 6 of Mr Robot reminded me of the Natural Born Killers scene where Mallory's childhood is laid out like a sitcom and even her fathers jokes about sexually abusing her get laughs and other grim things get laughs. But i was kind of annoyed because at this point I don't want more fake shit from Elliot's head. Feels like this whole season could be condensed into 3-4 Episodes.
  10. colunga

    elseq 1-5

    Fantano will say Exai was better, and give this a strong 6 light seven.
  11. wish my name was mike and i had a friend named rich, just for the shirt
  12. with this and Cheetah its seems that the posters are shipped with information that has not been previously released and we find out info from the posters lol.
  13. this one really feels like ae pressing "start" and letting their programming ride out for real.
  14. i feel so stupid. The fake EP had some synth lines and that felt corny i was thinking "okay maybe the cheetah is so hard to program that it has to sound like this".
  15. just treid going thru the thread. can anyone link me to the fake cheetah track that was posted ;D lol actuallly DLd the fake one off slsk (I cant believe i was tricked!)and wondered if it was the same track posted here earlier.
  16. this would b great for the possible/eventual bleepstore but o well whatever nevermind
  17. Would be awesome if they took advantage of not being limited to 80min physical discs (like ae!) was just thinking recently that if the mars volta had come up in 2016, would they have made MORE 30 min songs? then i thought tool surely would have. but i think they havent even started working on Song #2 for this album. (jk lol)
  18. colunga


    its back up with that Saint Pablo song
  19. colunga

    elseq 1-5

    pretty sure fantanos review will be exactly like his review of Exai
  20. 10 Cloverfield Lane. I really enjoyed it. I didnt like the VERY end (in the car). but i did enjoy the ending as a whole.
  21. why is there no date on flyer
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