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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by colunga

  1. from 1998's "Miss Black America" [youtubehd]UJY95cm3LPE[/youtubehd]
  2. Loving Exai!! I've been listening to it onthe way to work and Since tuesday I've been listening to the radio broadcast when i get home and cutting out tracks I really like. the only problem is that I didnt mark where i cut the tracks from, so I cant match them with the google doc! its all good though. One Question: Where does CD1 end and CD2 begin?
  3. I would be interested in seeing the CD too!! this is beautiful! Buying on next paychek
  4. colunga

    draft 7.30

    Bought it when it came out. took me a while to get into it. Got really into it in 2007. when Quaristice came out I wished I could hear other "drafts" rather than other quaristices
  5. I purchased Ƴo & h³æ and I didnt really enjopy it. This was back in the glory days of Soulseek. I was curious as to why AE would want to collab with hafler trio. I spent a long time downloading as much of their discography as I could. I had at least 20 releases downloaded with artwork I got off the net. I remember really liking a few of them... but they're long gone. Now I can't find anything of their's to DL.
  6. colunga

    Now Reading

    Just started this week. Im only 100 pages in and I've already been blown away a few times. I have to say I admire L. Ron's hustle and ambition because, holy shit.
  7. In highschool our band said we were creating a label. of course it never materialized, but the only other band was a fake one called Tent Razor.
  8. colunga

    Film Scores

    Bunch of good one's but these are from my childhood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuA-Qix4h1k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcmsR57Xo4 Skip to 3:12 on the TX Chainsaw one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVpx3Ai6ZZQ
  9. Where's the Meathead Perspective when you need it? Wait: and this track reminds me a lot of Zero Sum for some reason.
  10. I'm leaning towards what you're saying as well jules... I'm very scared of this. But of course, I hope, pray and dream to be pleasantly surprised by the lack of vocals and quality of the songwriting.
  11. cute. you can see both their rings in the last vid...
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