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Everything posted by lala

  1. IM SO GOD DAMN BORED. wanted to go out last night to corsica but didnt and want to go out tonight but im miles away and getting home is a bitch. moving to london on friday so just have to wait a week but arghhhhhhhh. what to do living in a small town with small town mentality. nearly wiped me out these last few months. BORED
  2. moving into a new flat on friday. Had the maximum pleasure of pepper gassing my folks out the last couple of days by making fried chilli things for breakfast. they have been coughing and spluttering, opening windows, teary eyed. i like it hot
  3. That's a prediction of me when I hear today How much the soundproofing is gonna cost I wanted to get a studio cat but the landlords put down poison :/
  4. fuck the dude in the corner, we also have mice
  5. have to pay the bills somehow
  6. I dont want to get sexually molested by minion-loving women
  7. i was actually talking about me, srlsy. ive lost a stone almost and im getting too fuckin awesome. atkins didnt prepare me for how much awesome it would be though, was a shock! a friend of mine has to shop in the kids section
  8. complete with what i presume is cat shit
  9. Im too awesome and everywhere I go people keep telling me. Like i dont already know. Im losing weight as well rapidly but im worried then im going to be awesomer which is frightening
  10. lala

    Now Reading

    Just finished pt 2 of the southern reach trilogy and glad to say i enjoyed it. Hoping that the 3rd part keeps with it
  11. It's not just you man. I'm only 26 and sometimes get hurt by the stupidest things. Sometimes I get home from work pretty sore just from walking (Granted, I do 15-25km a day in steel toes). I recently injured my neck (pulled a muscle) just by looking the wrong way lol. dont you hate that thing when your neck muscle twangs and it goes warm, every time i still wait a second to feel if ive ruptured a vein or something. this does happen to other people, right?
  12. ive got such a broner for brandon graham
  13. lala

    Now Reading

    still reading authority... got stuck in it a bit, had to read the long walk, and now im back on it but not in much of a reading mood. i go through phases of heavy reading then not much
  14. lala

    Now Reading

    nice. could do with some light relief
  15. how have i not seen this thread before. you lot are so talented
  16. with giant fuckin coelacanth in it
  17. its got a sad eye and a coelacanth in it bottom left
  18. 11 1/4 stone. get in. i was nearly 12 three weeks or so ago. want to be more like 10 and however much muscle i want. operation sort myself out in progress
  19. had unwanted psychedelic experience that im still reeling from. and that was on Monday. The shit bit is not having anyone to talk to about stuff like that. 97% Most people just fall in to the 'you're mad' chat, which is fine and stuff. But it was still an experience I witnessed. and now stuck with the multiple of possibles it could have been, and my scientific brain really didnt need another conundrum.
  20. lala

    Now Reading

    One of my favourite books ever written. reminds me i need 'pass go, do not read synopsis or reviews' with his other book(s) and just buy them. Funny enough it was probably me that recommended the passage.. i enjoyed it. the only bit that i didnt enjoy was the After i finished the second part of the southern reach trilogy ive got either murakami (never read - wind up bird chronicles first?) or Bukowski (post office?) recommended to me.
  21. lala

    Now Reading

    I would have loved it if i read it at 10+.. but i was a bit like that. It really shows how to craft a good story out of a simple idea..? and also the fact that king never knows his endings is quite poignant. its well brutal though!
  22. ive only read arkham asylum, liked it, and then attempted the reboot.
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