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Everything posted by lala

  1. lala

    Now Reading

    i know it had the space station but was it the one where they became really small and flat and fought a war inbetween sheets of ice or something?
  2. but put a deposit on a flat today with my bestest music buddy so in a few weeks im outta here!
  3. tell me about it! i bought this little badbwoy specifically for this purpose
  4. I hope. I'm after some dry crisp high which is also glistening wet.lol
  5. And just buying an SSL G4000 clone for the 2 buss I need some eq or exciter and compressor action there and my sound will Improve ten fold
  6. I love the Venice Really nice eq & pre-amps, super flexible..channels always send to the daw. I can press a button and receive from the daw for vst or FX processing. 6 aux, 4 groups and 2 matrix (not sure how to use those best yet) As for the sound, its darker than I'm used to. warm. But I can achieve such a punchy sound I'm really happy. punchy like kraftwerk tour de France drums. Makes mixing so much fun. The monitoring is weird because it's a live desk but I don't know any others so ive got my head around it. Only thing is my computer mixing usb and firewire isn't straightforward.. I pc.. But it's possible. Just mixing a snare and kick with a decent room reverb has got the pow I've been after. Bliss All my songs use it in my sig if you want to hear it
  7. i dont have access to anything where im at, long story. but moving in with a mate in a month.. he makes electronic music and i had the best time when i lived with him before. woop but yeah, had to take sleeping tablets. So im Groggy McGrogface this morning
  8. i can has courtyard and neonomiminon already
  9. lala

    Now Reading

    ah good old dodgy bits. i quite enjoyed justin cronins 'the passage' trilogy - waiting now for the third part. i thought the first book was really well written apart from a seriously dodgy bit in the middle that just left me confused as to why the hell you put that in a decent book... still worth a read tho
  10. hadnt noticed providence - lovecraftian? (i try not to spoiler myself as much as i can)
  11. lala

    Now Reading

    decided to read the southern reach trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer. never read him before. its good so far. easy pacing which is nice, and a nebula winner
  12. lala

    Now Reading

    finished yesterdays kin. was nice. Kept me hooked up till the end. 3.5/4 stars.
  13. jesusfuckingchrist i just had a nightmare. tried to go sleep early but NO, not allowed. now im hot and hot me = nightmares. along with no smoking or drinking and i find it hard to sleep. Really i should have a fag and a gin & tonic but there isnt any of anything anywhere
  14. lala

    Now Reading

    I read Anathem, didnt like it
  15. lala

    Now Reading

    reading this instead.. novella, only taking a few hours. easier reading and quite fun:
  16. lala

    Now Reading

    schilds ladder - a bit weird if i remember?
  17. Good idea. that is a good librarian
  18. yes! add a really good librarian and we have a winner
  19. lala

    Now Reading

    nice one! i love me some space opera
  20. lala

    Now Reading

    i was just going to ask if its tough going - its a bit stiff and (the beginning anyway) is third person and not quite what i imagined. read some burroughs, never any murakami. i went on a big trilogy splurge (3 body problem, southern reach trilogy, and now valis) and we know how much of a slog they can be Your right i want something quick and exciting.
  21. lala

    Now Reading

    ive hit a bit of a wall with 'the three body problem' i might leave it for later.. Got recommended Neal Stephenson 'Seveneves' but its another i fear i wont like. My sister bought me anathem hardback for my birthday after recommendations and i didnt get along with it.. anyone here read it? Might try Valis by PKD..
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