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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. ^^ That looks pretty cool. Love me a good Metroidvania. Finally beat a run in Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth after a -20 win streak. Now there's more levels and it's harder. I don't remember sucking this much at the original. Fml. Also this: http://www.gameoftheyear420blazeit.com/
  2. Not sure, I haven't fired it up since I realized you could do this. Makes sense about the achievements.
  3. Whoa, just realized Rebirth gives you the seeding codes! Next time someone has a badass run like that, you can post the seed codes in this thread and we can all enjoy the OP madness. (it's in the pause screen during your run)
  4. haha god damn. i have yet to win a run at this beats. got a -15 streak right now i think. today is a new day, though.
  5. Just failed miserably at a few Isaac: Rebirth runs. Crazy how much they've improved an already great game with this iteration.
  6. they're probably too busy being hungry to give a shit about what i'm doing.
  7. spoiled rich talentless celebrity children, no less
  8. having millions to sink into producers/songwriters/marketing blitz = tapping into the creative power of the spiritual multiverse
  9. Also good to consult a guide when you run into a deal-with-the-devil room so you don't waste hearts on a shit item.
  10. There are 2 seasons of Carnivale, actually. I'm only a few episodes into the first right now but it's quite good and I'm a fan so far.
  11. I just realized that's the dude from Carnivale. He's a great character in that show, a far cry from just being Lynch's go-to creepy dwarf.
  12. Edge Of Tomorrow - Tom Cruise Groundhog Day armored combats against aliens and was actually good. Like, well-written, well-acted, reasonably intelligent. All around a very enjoyable sci-fi action movie. Would watch again. Also the aliens were cool.
  13. Yeah aside from the controls, camera, level design, AI, cutscenes, combat, & dialogue it's pretty great.
  14. Yeah, that's why fanboys are blind to the fact that every game after MSG1 is unplayable, nonsensical garbage.
  15. How are you supposed to have horror immersion with a giant glowing Wii U controller blinking on the screen? Any unsettling art direction is immediately undone by that UI. [edit] referring to the bit around 18:40
  16. With lockpicking I just play the thieves guild quest line until I get the unbreakable lockpick and then don't proceed any further in the quests; never need to invest perks then and can pick anything.
  17. I played a good amount with a friend in the Czech Republic and it honestly wasn't too bad. They have some decent net coding since it's designed to work on consoles that don't have dedicated servers.
  18. loooool well there you go. give me an add & hmu if you want to play some co-op: http://steamcommunity.com/id/vulpineal lv38 siren right now but i'm very much down to start some new chars and try out the different classes.
  19. Probably 20 of those hours are re-playing content in multiplayer with friends so there's that too. You made it through the campaign 3 times in 60 hours though? That's some power-gaming. Are you going solo or co-op? While it's very obviously designed & touted as a multiplayer game, I find myself having equally as much fun playing it solo as I do with friends. The trailer for the new one has me excited: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpgMBivKR-w
  20. Yo that Silent Hills trailer is tiiiight. Between that & PT I'm really excited for the game now. I hope they keep it in first person because that's a great way to get maximum scary. Still rocking Borderlands 2. Got the GOTY for $10 on a Steam sale and it might be the best entertainment-to-dollar-value purchase I've made in a long time. Just reached about 80 hours playtime, still on my first playthrough (not new game+) and first character. Haven't even finished half of the DLC. I think I could easily top my Skyrim hours-logged on Steam with this game (currently at 115).
  21. Rez-ish musical shmup forthcoming from Hamonics! Looks very cool. "on Steam"
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