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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Ivan have you tried Brutal Doom? It's a mod that works with the newer Doom engines (zDoom, gzDoom, Zandronum, Skulltag), that updates the game with things like hotkey melee, alt-fire, iron sights aiming, as well as heavily updating the AI & damage modifiers and adding reloading to the weapons which greatly changes the balancing. It's also got crazy levels of gibs/gore and particle effects, while still being in that original Doom style. It's one of the most fun things I've ever played, and is especially fun if played with the Doom 2 / Plutonia levels. The dev is still working on it, too, so it gets better with each update. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg9ltTnHxWg Here's the download:http://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom You need the wads and one of the aforementioned engines to play it.
  2. Is that new Shadowrun another MP shooter, or is it more of an RPG like the pen & paper original and Genesis/Megadrive version? Would love to play a Skyrim/Fallout type game with a cyberpunk w/ magic theme, which is what I was hoping the last Shadowrun game would be.
  3. why? if you don't mind me asking... Because when spinning digitally, I can line up the tunes and get them in phrase in 8 bars or less, then spend the rest of the mix focusing on doing interesting things blending the songs using EQs and filters, which I find to be the really fun aspect of DJing. When spinning with vinyl, I find it to be about 10% that fun stuff and 90% constantly adjusting the tracks to avoid a trainwreck, which is not fun and actually can be quite stressful. I'll openly admit that it's because I learned to mix on digital and am not very experienced with vinyl but...I still don't like it. It seems totally ass backwards to me to be using this ancient tech in 2013 to control digital tracks on a computer. [edit] The FWP aspect of it is that it's all really nice gear and a great record collection that I get to use for free and none of it's mine.
  4. Mixing every day with Traktor, two Technics 1200 mk2s, and my roommate's collection of classic garage & dubstep vinyl. Every day I wish they were CDJs or a digital controller instead.
  5. has he broken innovative new ground with this album and finished some of the tracks on it?
  6. I'm watching a really good Let's Play of The Last of Us and dude won't post new videos fast enough.
  7. Episode Seven: Work Robert Ashley talks to a developer at a big game studio about his strange trip from blue collar work to video game work, gets a lesson in work ethic from legendary game designer John Romero, finds out what can happen when you give your work away for free, and profiles Nick Smith (aka Ulillillia). http://alifewellwasted.com/
  8. I'm definitely jumping back on the PS wagon next generation, if this is true. So fucking stupid. It will probably be the death of the Xbox brand. While the 360 was amazing for the first 5 years, it has really lost so much steam over the last 3. And Sony has had way more interesting exclusive titles over the last couple of years. They've just seems to care more about their customers, and this comes from a semi-xbox fanboy (this generation). And fuck all their Kinect wank. And the PS4 controller actually looks very nice to use for once. One of the reasons I picked the 360 this gen, was that the controller is superior compared to the PS3's Dualshock (or that's how I feel). But hopefully Sony will get their interface/online stuff together for the next-gen. edit: inb4 stupid pc gaming master race comments I'm exclusively gaming on Steam/PC with a 360 controller and can't recommend it enough. I used to think the people who swore by PC gaming were fools, but now I'm all about tweaking settings to make the games look beautiful & run close to 60fps, using user-made mods, and being free from proprietary corporate bullshit. You can find purchasing/building guides online to build your own gaming PC for $500 that will be around triple the power of the next generation of consoles. While it's $200 more than the next generation of consoles will probably debut at, you will easily make up that cost with Steam sales if you regularly buy games...plus all the aforementioned benefits. It's just kind of silly to keep giving Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo money when they're actively thinking of new and interesting ways to limit the customer to get more money from them. It's just as dumb buying an Apple product in 2013. edit: Yes, I did this on purpose.
  9. I watched the whole first season, which I thought started out really strong and ended terribly with that hokey CDC episode. Then, uninterested, I skipped season 2 entirely. My current roommate is heavily into the show so I've been watching the second half of season 3 with him and actually really enjoying it. The things that make the show for me are not the gripping plot or character arcs, which are actually pretty standard fare for TV drama, but moments like Michonne using wire she's tied up with to cut a zombie's head off, or Merle fucking shit up with a knife arm. The insane gore effects and increasingly creative zombie kills make this show very entertaining in spite of how average the writing & acting is.
  10. I'm late to the Skyrim party, having gotten a PC that can run it as of 2 months ago. That's all I've been doing since then.
  11. primer is about power splitting up a friendship. pretty simple story, really. told with awesome ear-bleeding time travel boxes.
  12. This. I actually ran into a different problem though, after a certain update in Skyrim PS3 every single time my character touched water, my game froze. Also had a similar botching of Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox where updates would fix a glitch in the game, and make game-breaking bugs in other spots. Maybe I just have bad luck. Sorry Joyrex, not just making it up to be a twat. Also, Hotline Miami is tits.
  13. This...and no more living with a broken console game for 3-6 months while you wait for a patch to pass Sony/Microsoft's approval process.
  14. steam is actually the next generation of consoles, we just already have access to it.
  15. I finally watched Network because I've seen its name pop up on WATMM so many times. Brilliant film. I thought it was just some nicely done satire until the board room scene where Ned Beatty lectures Howard Beale. Then, for me, the film became tops.
  16. can you play miami hotline with a controller? steam is bad about not labelling which games have controller support.
  17. I haven't played Diablo 3, but I'll agree. I have a papillon named Butternubs.
  18. I'm rocking the fuck out of some Torchlight 2. Game is ballin outta control.
  19. i don't need your dinner! i've got oh-hungee!
  20. we might end up doing so not of our own choosing.
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