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luke viia

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by luke viia

  1. mmmmmmmmmm im generally veg only but the flask was involved in this meal and omg i miss burgers, USA #1 edit: fwiw this place is basically Washington's in-n-out (Dick's is the other competitor, but Frisko wins by a pretty wide margin imo; there's only one location for better or worse [better, fight me])
  2. (there's guitars all over this ^^ album and the whole thing is wonderful) (p sure the guitar appears around 1:10, becomes easy to hear around 1:40, and takes center ~2:20 -- love this tune so much) (idk if this track specifically could be called idm, but whatever. it's awesome.)
  3. that's the dream innit blah, sorry man. the whistle-while-you-piss roommate is pure hell. sheesh! sorry to hear you've been dealing with awful neighbors too (admittedly it's somewhat comforting to know we're all living the same life). this is great advice, and i would gladly take it but i have literally only run into this guy one time in four weeks. he was in his stupid bright red jeep/hummer/whatever that says "WILLY'S" on the side of it, windows rolled up; i was getting into my ride. i'm pretty sure i unintentionally shot him a death stare. i say this bc he looked like a deer in the headlights. i have no access to his apartment door, the upstairs entrance is separate from mine and locked and he wouldn't hear me if i knocked at the base of the stairwell. anyway in the meantime i'll do my best to be diplomatic and save his life (by way of keeping him alert at all hours) from the perils of being an upstairs neighbor and the immanent doom that such a building position entails. it's only neighborly. uggghhhh. dude. fuck people like this guy. i don't have an easy answer to the whole new-family-home-construction thing; people obv need places to live, but your neighbor buying multiple plots for himself and blocking access to (and destroying) natural environments is infuriating. buy that plot if you can. at least then you'll be in control of who can buy it from you down the line and make sure it doesn't end up in the hands of yet another asshole.
  4. christ almighty yes that is intense. last fall i quit smoking after 20+ years of near daily use and for almost a month solid my mind bombarded me with vivid symbolically rich dreams and nightmares. then i started smoking again for a few months. then i quit again. same thing. my dreams this week have been off the goddamn rails. i try to write them down so i don't forget, but sometimes i forget to do the thing to not forget
  5. i really really like this, the whole sound palette works together really well, the various elements all respond to each other in a skillful way, the washed-out + bitcrushed pads e.g. in Wind Premonition = glorious, but the standout for me is your wonderful sense of melody! great work all around =] edit: Floating Under Stars could have easily fit in seamlessly on the FEZ soundtrack!
  6. luke viia

    Now Reading

    indeed, disturbing, gory, unfair, and fun. just finished it earlier today. i feel like ovid had a good & insightful grip on the idea of gods-as-nature instead of powerful people ruling from the clouds. even Jupiter explains to Venus that what the Fates write is out of his hands; he can read it, but he can't change it. he also explains this to a woman he rapes, which is uh... less admirable... but allegorically, Ovid has a general point. (i'm not a fatalist, btw; but there's some sense in remembering that what happens to us is often completely out of our control) i felt like the speech by Pythagoras at the end was A) awesome and B) did not at all fit the rest of the book, but it was my fav part. the three-page exhortation to be vegetarians and stop sacrificing animals followed by a few more pages explaining that change is our only enduring reality was a beautiful wrap-up, but then ovid had to add a few things about augustus being the greatest... and he still got exiled. anyway: i started House of Leaves last night. meant to read for about 30 minutes and it turned into 3 hours. this book got its claws in me real quick.
  7. bro, landlords. always landlords. they demand checks by mail. fine fine i'll put my avoidance and failure to commit on the postbox and see if they'll notice
  8. edit: i'm gonna spoiler a few demo tracks from my shitty 2 piece act ca. 2008 or 09 cuz i think we would have fallen somehow into this genre
  9. luke viia

    AI Art

    you are weak, I am month now we ready for big tuna mint
  10. luke viia

    AI Art

    @Joyrex fix this mans problems rojex
  11. @Limo good call on A-frames, love The Intelligence related to those guys through one of their bassists, Country Teasers:
  12. i have been here for mere weeks and i'm just about ready to fucking destroy whoever the fuck lives above me. no patience for this kinda shit. don't ever let anyone say I was "passive" aggressive; the intention here is that after 11pm i am bringing hell on earth to this fucker. monitors strapped to the ceiling with irregularly alternating whale songs, shotgun blasts, gay porn climaxes, the shittiest noise albums, and bit-crushed samples of myself shouting quotes from ayn rand books that i would've never read otherwise. don't fucking try me when it comes to sound abuse. anyway, unrelated, check out my Upstairs Neighbor Mysteriously Died foley sample pack on my patreon, coming soon
  13. upstairs neighbors man wtf is even happening this dude must play call of duty for like 12 hours a day with the occasional break to somersault over sheet metal before botching a kickflip through the kitchen door to slam every cupboard
  14. lol clicked on one of the recommended videos at the end and have been further charmed by humanity
  15. thanks man, I appreciate that in a way emojis can't reach ? and pls don't feel ignorant, I'm learning a lot of lingo in here myself, @J3FF3R00's quote was 99% foreign to me lol and I clearly botched the OP by confusing/emphasizing gender and sexual identities, just want to understand all this like anyone else
  16. tbh this kind of question is why I didn't bring it up for years. I struggled with it for a long time. idk. plenty of people of all genders are ace btw, not just guys. it's just harder for us to talk about. again, didn't mean to make this about my own identity, esp sexual instead of gender. pls share yr own experiences!
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