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Everything posted by skotosa

  1. fuck off with that please, kindly.... You've waited 13 years, wait another month. The man deserves his money and people should buy his music. We all want his music and I know it's tough to wait but hoping it will leak is a little low... I pre-ordered and I want a leak too. If its going to leak let it be now dam it! This is impatient me speaking. Disclaimer: I would never really pirate anything.
  2. Off the official site to buy the album in japan. http://www.hmv.co.jp/artist_Aphex-Twin_000000000027270/item_Syro_5924849
  3. New Chris Cunningham syro music video screenshot leek (NSFW)
  4. lol ? just put it in a bag No, no... he's right.
  5. So even though these live concert tracks have a high probability of being on the album (Which I still want to remain skeptical of) how different do you suppose they'll sound from what he played live?
  6. yea I'm a bit surprised by this as well Those should have been sold as singles already.
  7. I for one am hoping that it is completely new material that hasn't been heard by the public. I will be slightly disappointed if he uses material he has already shared with the public.
  8. sleuths speculated earlier in the thread.. korg minipops - minipops 67 (source field mix) sequentia cirklon - cir[c]lon... akai s950, yamaha tx16, ensoniq asr10 - s950tx16wasr10 (earth portal mix) aisatsana = Anastasia So I guess its going to be an amazing track of silence.
  9. It would be interesting if they were all just old unlreased Aphex Tracks remastered and shown now to hype up his real shit.
  10. Perhaps its karma for all those cockroaches you killed. How could you!
  11. I'm expecting to see a Notch reference in his album.
  12. I actually started posting on here before the blimp incident even occuered. Its like I somehow knew shit was imminent before it was imminent. The moment the album was forged, pressed and sealed its like it sent a wave calling me to watmm.
  13. I can't think eat or sleep until the new album comes out. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!
  14. So is it 1 , 2 or 3 albums?
  15. So not long after BOC RDJ decides it is time.
  16. Robin Williams dies and gets reincarnated as an Aphex Twin Album.
  17. Watch Dogs, I'm quite enjoying it. Its like the GTA I could never get into but now I can. Especially since they have Squarepusher.
  18. So If I toss in 16 I get some rare aphex tracks? Guaranteed? Some one tell me if I'm missing something. Cause I'm in!
  19. They are allowed to be pissed about it, but no one says they have to be. You only reveal what you choose to reveal and these people choose to reveal anger. Personally if it were me and they guy wanted something to film I'd start talking global issues or even local ones. They even have the added benefit of knowing they are being filmed. Everyone reacts as though they were caught committing a crime. And yet when the NSA spies on them or when the spying is done passively no one has an issue cause Ignorance is bliss, they don't know what part of them is being recorded when, yet when they do know, their reactions are, well this. Its ironic and full of context that just says the direction society is going is terrible and full of contradiction.
  20. I don't know If I'd be as pissed as these guys are unless maybe I was in danger and he just stood there and watched or perhaps something very personal like having sex or masturbating. Which I wouldn't do the latter in public but just saying. EDIT: Or if I were doing something illegal. IF.
  21. You've got a few fans here in Houston, Texas that I know about, you should come play a show here! Now that that's off my chest. Not sure if this has been asked but, did you guys ever hang out with Richard D. James in the past? Like go to the same school? Heck maybe yall are still close in someway?
  22. I had a dream that I was going to wake up from my dream and find an awesome porn video I was downloading be ready. I just knew it was going to be freaking epic and awesome. I woke up feeling sad because I realized, I have no awesome porn video to wake up to. Another old dream I had, I imagined a fucking crow with a 4 inch beak pecking the side of my rib cage over and over again at a rate of about 4 fucking pecks per second. I woke up with the sensation of what was the result of an endless session of pecks, in that location, but turned over and the feeling subsided. Not sure what caused that pecking sensation, bad position in bed I guess.
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