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Everything posted by skotosa

  1. Your score: 19 Yeah I felt like a 19 today. Sum Crazzzzyyy shi-at.
  2. I too cannot finish Mass Effect. I own both 1 and 2 and neither compelled me to stay with it till the end.
  3. Yea, I enjoyed it for what it was, but it felt like they were wasting all that atmosphere. It was just begging for some sort of mystery to be solved.
  4. Well for me Bioshocks story, and graphics were enough to have me ignore the gameplay (which I thought was ok for an FPS with some original touches). Everyone has different priorities when determining if a game is good or not. I personally cannot play a game if the graphics look like shit (usually). Which is why I'm glad I played Morrowind before Oblivion came out because once Oblivion came out I could not go back to Morrowind (no matter how hard I tried)despite its suburb story and gameplay the visuals just looked old and tired in comparison. I've heard so many good things from all who have played RE4 but have yet to pull myself to actually play it. Lack of enthusiasm. Also this is looking pretty interesting. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/01/25/voxelfarm-realtime-is-minecraft-in-a-gorgeously-realistic-procedurally-generated-world/
  5. It's actually probably a little foolhardy that they released a demo version. Unlike their previous games (Cloud,Flow & Flower) which I could see working in demo form due to their level based nature. Whereas (despite also having specific zones) this game is more about the 90 minute (or thereabouts) journey - hence the name of the game. I'm a little trepidatious (is that a word ?) in saying this but you should maybe take the plunge and buy the whole thing - it's probably the nearest thing I've had to a spiritual experience from a game. Well a friend of mine got it so I won't have too. He is just going to give me his PS3 account information and I'm going to download it from his account and then install it on mine.
  6. Tried the demo did not see what all the hoopla is about.
  7. I'm downloading the demo and thinking about actually buying it.
  8. Sounds like your brain was releasing scarce amounts of DMT. People who trip on DMT describe some of the same stuff you were going through, especially the pressure and the noise you heard right before they trip hard. Plus we are begin to make the connection between the DMT in our bodies and the role it has in our sleep/precipitation of reality. But you should probably see a doctor.
  9. Dishonored is what you are looking for. Great game too.
  10. Can't get my sleeping regulated. I go to bed at 2-3AM to wake up at 7AM tired as fuck, get back home from classes and nap till 6-8PM and repeat. I know I need to try and not sleep when I get home but if I don't sleep I won't have the brain power to do my homework. So this doesn't seem like its going to get fixed.
  11. Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche. But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think. Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined. FEAR is just a boring FPS. The game the man described is called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now go and play it. Yeah, Amnesia is great. You just can't shoot up anything. shit, i totally forgot about that game. i remember seeing the trailer and wanting to play it but then i totally forgot about it. ill have to go and play that. Just preference. I always liked the atmosphere of Silent Hill but the type of drama in it deterred me. I do really like that mystery and physiological aspect that horror games can have and if it manages to make me jump than that's a plus. Fear is on and off. Parts of it are that horror aspect and parts are just FPS. The cat lady was a great game, I recommend people try it if they are looking for a good compelling story in a video game. I wouldn't say its horror exactly but its tackles that source of depression that so many people experience one way or another in life in a very clever and interesting way. i totally get that. it took me awhile before i found out that what i consider scary and what others do is pretty different. most people i know consider startling to be scared but i never did. its only temporary. general mind fuckery is what im all about. like in Silent Hill 2 at the Historical society building(i think it was called), that place scared the shit outta me. i dont mind games that make me jump, but i also want there to be a deep story that really makes me think. Play The Cat Lady, either before or after amnesia. You'll finish it in 2 days time. You will love it.
  12. Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche. But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think. Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined. FEAR is just a boring FPS. The game the man described is called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now go and play it. Yeah, Amnesia is great. You just can't shoot up anything.
  13. We should ask that guy to make a Richard D. James mask. Who knows, maybe he is a fan.
  14. I've always feared that this would happen to me and out of all the mismatched a/c adapters I've used I was begining to think they were all interchangeable.
  15. Just preference. I always liked the atmosphere of Silent Hill but the type of drama in it deterred me. I do really like that mystery and physiological aspect that horror games can have and if it manages to make me jump than that's a plus. Fear is on and off. Parts of it are that horror aspect and parts are just FPS. The cat lady was a great game, I recommend people try it if they are looking for a good compelling story in a video game. I wouldn't say its horror exactly but its tackles that source of depression that so many people experience one way or another in life in a very clever and interesting way.
  16. Has anyone had an Out of body experience before? Has this been mentioned yet?
  17. Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche. But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think. Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined.
  18. Just got done playing The Cat Lady. Excellent game, 9/10. amazing story, fun puzzles, nice artwork. I usually don't dig the whole side scrolling 2d types of games but this one was incredibly well done and told.
  19. Most of my clothing are from American Eagle. Not cause I love them, but because I have no idea where else to shop/what the fuck I should wear. I usually tend to be picky about the shit that goes on me but I wouldn't say I'm fashionable. If it isn't from American Eagle than it might be Calvin Klein clothes from Macy's. I actually like the way their stuff looks in an Adult and mature kind of way. I'm not the type of person to subscribe to any particular thing whether it be, sports, fashion, or brand. The only thing I can say I confidently and proudly subscribe to is the music I listen to, but even then I I don't go around wearing Aphex Twin, BOC or Plaid shirts unless I were gifted one. I once worse a NIN shirt in High School that my Sis got me but I wore it like 4 times (out of respect of Trent and my SIS) and actually got a comment from one classmate but no pussy or anything like that. American Eagle is just an easy way out for me. It looks normal, is acceptable to most people and they aren't crazy expensive. Calvin Klein clothes are an attempt at putting some variety in my wardrobe that is otherwise nonexistent. I'll also usually be ok with any gifted clothing family or friends may get me but like all people if you don't like it, it never sees the light of day. Last time I went out and bought cloths was....a year and a half ago? Is that bad or normal?
  20. The choice of music in that trailer is fucking horrible. Anyway... I'm really interested in this. Thematically 'cyperpunk' of course did go out of fashion in the 90's. But as the big dork that I am, I fucking miss it. So it's nice to see when someone revisiting it. Deus EX: HR also did this, maybe it's starting to get more popular again, I don't know (I hope so). Another one is that Syndicate FPS game. I saw at a store really cheap the other day. Has anyone played it/is it worth picking up? Syndicate is fun but short. It isn't all to memorable but playable for sure.
  21. We should all quickly and collectively agree on some conclusion so that Steinvord will be forced to either come out and say who's behind it or we are all simply right by default.
  22. Darksiders 2 just didn't have the same appeal as 1 did with me. I beat 1 and couldn't bother to finish 2.
  23. I would wait at least a year before doing anything drastic like moving in and spiting bills. Date her for a year and see how you both feel about each other after that. Within a years time one or both of you should know if you are ready for the "next" step. My sister thought she was in love, she thought she found her dream guy till he went bat shit crazy with her and devastated her emotionally. She still has a hard time getting over him and they were together for 4 months. Tread lightly my friend.
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