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Everything posted by skotosa

  1. Welcome to the Internet. A tool to share ideas, a social outlet. Whatever people would discus socially in the real world is achieved here on the net. Have a good time, play safe and most importantly, don't get mad about how/why it all works. (In the event you get mad, the Internet advises that you spend a few precious moments outside to experince the real world then return with a fresh mine to start again.)
  2. Just watched sinister. It was good, did its job for the most part wasn't completely satisfied with it. I thought it was interesting they used BOC in it in that I wanted to play some BOC in the car and my sister was like "I don't want to l listen to BOC" and then she heard it in the movie anyways. I told her it was Boc after the movie :)
  3. Just beat dishonored. The washed out texture colors were annoying until I used a mod to liven it up. After that the atmosphere was engulfing and the story line picked up and I manged to beat the game. Were their just two endings?
  4. Nope lol I like Tennis though. pretty cool picture lol. Were you tryin to be the little guy off the Nirvana - Nevermind cassette? lol nahhh. Just took a pic in the water man.
  5. He looks like some sort of Golem. https://www.google.com/search?q=Golem&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=ffZ1UNCeHaKe2QXktYHABQ&biw=1920&bih=979&sei=f_Z1UPKGIcurqQGr2ICIDw Probably more specifically this one. http://nosgoth.net/Defiance/conceptart/Golem.jpg
  6. Children aren't I sometimes want to say the same thing for WagaWaga. Its Richards Dub-step movement.
  7. Music has been my ultimate cure.
  8. Isn't it safe to say that if it were anyone new they'd want to get a name going for them? Start showing up and doing live stuff? Unless the guy feels like his stuff isn't life worthy or is just really shy? Which given the nature of the music he makes I could see that. Its even more synthetic then anything Richard has down. You know what I'm pretty sure this is just some new shy guy with talent.
  9. I find points where I want to use it but overall it does seem like your fine without it.
  10. I've beaten everything from HL2 and up but when I tried to play H1 in 2000 I was little and scared and then when i got older the graphics just sucked. But now finally!
  11. Just started downloading Black Mesa Source. Can't wait to play it as I have yet to beat HL1.
  12. I plan on not buying any Next Gen Console. I'll just be gaming on my PC. I only got my PS3 for Guitar Hero and COD, both of which were to play with my console friends. But now they too have PC's so screw consoles this time.
  13. lol play the new mann vs machine. Add me on steam too! No Delay for Days. Also I just cheated on my math Homework using wolfram. I'm one lazy bastard.
  14. Dude are ROT13 and Brothomstates the same person? Greetings, visitor. Contact: ROT13(pbagnpg@oebgubzfgngrf.pbz) Thank you for your interest!
  15. That's great ! So atm, on a scale of one - ten. How depressed would you say you are. 1 being like not at all and 10 being you want to go kill yourself? well i'm not so depressed to the scale of being suicidal. i'm probably a 6-7/10. You'll be fine bud. Just do what makes you happy, play games, talk to people, be a good person and read interesting stuff. You are already a step in the right direction if you ask me not buying in to any religious crap but later on in life if you feel like you are wanting more give THE SAVIOURS OF GOD, Spiritual Exercises a read. You did a good thing by coming here though and no harm in talking remember that. The easy and best thing for a human to do is simply to communicate. So now that I know my comrade in arms is just experiencing some normal healthy signs of depression I'll let you and the rest of the thread continue on with its communicative glory. But if for whatever reason shit gets worse maybe due to some bumpy ass path you might find yourself on don't hesitate to talk, shoot me a PM or just start a thread. :)
  16. That's great ! So atm, on a scale of one - ten. How depressed would you say you are. 1 being like not at all and 10 being you want to go kill yourself?
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