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Everything posted by Atop

  1. yes, what a head fuck of an episode. SO MANY ZOMBIES! SO little ammo....they need some Michonne at the prison.
  2. Atop

    Now Reading

    @logakght: I really enjoyed Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, proper magic realism with an intricate story line that pays off in the end. Hope you finish it. hehe
  3. Atop

    Now Reading

    great cover art on that edition... so I have heard that I should read at least part II, now I am hearing from the mighty Baphomet that I shouldn't??? WHAT DO I DO OH LORD OF LIGHT???? I probably will read the millions of other books that I need to instead of the sequels.
  4. Atop

    Now Reading

    just obtained a collection of Aleister Crowley's Simon Iff short stories...I love Moonchild, so we shall see how he is with the other tales of Simple Simon. also a first edition of Sturgeon's More Than Human. Fantastic, wonderful novel that you all should read.
  5. Atop

    Now Reading

    project gutenberg, so much great old materials there. My suggestion to all of is read James Branch Cabell's Jurgen.... It should blow your mind or at least expand it a bit.
  6. Atop

    Now Reading

    fuck yeah! Borges, Dunsany, Blackwood, Poe and Lovecraft.
  7. Atop

    Now Reading

    "i would bow down before just one-- one who bows before none. i should know who that one might be who could do that to me i am that one and i bow down before me since the hunter is the hunted, surely he knows what it is to lift an ecsatic dread to some uncoming hunter's tread such and such as the star that filters through the starry blue alone a burning star turning in an orbit all of its own such and such as i beasts are always/were always trailblazing engineers modern engineering would do well to do as well today as well as beasts have done if on this rock i stand alone loneliness will turn heel, as he turns to stone each today is yesterday's tomorrow, which is now now is all i have now is all i need now is all i want now better i go, when you would that i stay, that i stay on, than stay, when you would that i would go better i go than stay ebb and flow of the ocean love and hate of emotion nothing lasts, is my refrain as the moon and my feelings wax and wane i remain calm." - excerpt from Moondog's Monologue http://bipbopmusic.blogspot.com/2010/11/moondog-monologue.html
  8. Atop

    Now Reading

    but have you read the rules?
  9. yeah I love Community, it hurts when you say things out of context Robbie, really hurts. try watching season 3. GO CHARLIE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!!
  10. Old Apparatus- Derren ep - 8/10 - damn fine dubby techno weirdness. Like older Demdike Stare. You would like it.
  11. What is this I heard about a bank in the US that was filtering money to the persons planning the WTC attacks???? Robbie?
  12. I am sure he is. He could go on forever with this formula. The Bond and Harry Potter references in this latest one are pretty current.
  13. reading this atm Moore might not have as much greatness as he has had in the past but this is still filled with references and story lines linked to subjects I love, so he still knows who his audience is.
  14. Atop

    Now Reading

    So much sci-fi was prophetic. That is what the great writers were going for, even had secret clubs dedicated to trying to change the future through writing about it but most of it is pure escapism. I love the ideas within Roadside Picnic. That will most likely never be anything any of us will ever have to deal but the imagination involved is so amazing and original. Would love to know more and read more about and by these brothers. another novel that will always be in the back of my mind: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Adder K W Jeter is Kevin in VALIS for those that have read it.
  15. Atop

    Now Reading

    good choice. I haven't finished it but am intrigued by it beyond most anything else. Makes Stalker so much more than anyone realizes it is. Same with the novelization of 2001 vs the film. yay sci-fi
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