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Everything posted by Atop

  1. avatar would've been great if the navi looked like this dude. in fact, i would like to see a remake of avatar with the navi being made to look like this guy. it would quickly morph into some obscene surrealist horror when what's his face wakes up in the body of winged spore beast and proceeds to fall in love with another spore beast. flol! If you have read the story this is from it makes that sentiment hilarious. Actually, this is what the Engineers would look like if Del Toro made Prometheus. Read the story Hoodz. I think you would dig it. I want to read the second book as well now Auxien. Some people tell me it is amazing and others tell me it is boring. I love the ideas though. I have the Dune encyclopedia. So I have basically read all of the books. I history of the spacing guild is amazingly complex and interesting.
  2. After re-reading it, I was getting excited about the prospect for a film version, because I think it could actually benefit from an update. The book is filled with some outdated 50s thought and plenty of male chauvinism, but the core idea is still strong. If I was a screenwriter I would think it would be a lot of fun to re-envision the first 2/3 of the book into a more modern setting, while leaving the last part mostly untouched. Could be awesome, and actually improve on the novel (I know, heresy). wtf? He did a guide to fantasy? Checking... I remember seeing one of his books early on in my childhood. I was completely amazed by it but never purchased it. Went in to a Half Price books recently and looked through the fantasy one and a flood of memories came back to me, also I have since then read some of the books he is illustrating from. Very cool stuff. His envisioning of the Overlords is a bit different from mine, tis the beauty of the mind's eye. I definitely think a great film can be made from the novel, they just need to not use market research before making this one. All adapted novels to film should be more faithful. Screenwriters are basically saying that they are better than the original authors. Case in point, The Shining. Stephen King hated the film. I am not a big King fan but Kubrick basically did no wrong in my mind. Adapting Childhood's End would be a whole different ball of wax. It is all there, just write it into a screenplay. Perhaps modernize it a bit. That would be all that needs changing. *can of worms opened*
  3. thanks B. Lovely tune there, saved in my favs. THEE LONYUS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ9El7k4mNo&feature=related
  4. I am not sure about that. I haven't watched Children of Men in a while and I do enjoy the writing. The film making was more effective, for myself, than the story. The over arcing idea is what I dug about CoM, just like in Prometheus. I guess it easier for me to enjoy film for its themes and not the details. Aesthetically, Prometheus was superior. The script for Children of Men was more reality based and impacting in that way. I love the themes in both films so they stand equal for myself.
  5. Indeed.... But why was there mass infertility??? Why was America a cesspool of shit??? Why was the film called Children of Men??? How the fuck did Michael Caine know Clive Owen's character? Why did everyone stop shooting during the amazing last scene, because of a baby??? How dumb? I just listened the latest Media Roots podcast hate on Prometheus. We can talk shit about anything. This film wasn't dumbed down. It had subtle symbolism throughout the entire film. O p i n i o n s. If you wanna talk about dumbed down, let's talk about most Adam Sandler films. or Taken. or World Trade Center. or Glen and Randa, hehe. I feel better now that people I respect think I am dumb for enjoying Prometheus and Lost. just kidding Robbie. I respect the fact that we have different thoughts on film.
  6. Based on what? Do you have any idea how many people register per day/week here? My mind reels when people make bizarre statements like this. All Ben was stating is that it would be hilarious if everyone called you Papa in an Orwellian dystopian nightmare sort of way. Shouldn't disturb you that much. JOKES! Like my Labanna Babalon thread...I think she is fun and hilarious. Not many people get the joke, or think it is funny. I know how you hate titties on your site. To be fair they were links to titties, not actual titties. I apologize. Hey, it's a personal choice - for me, I would have to be Sup-level retarded to even consider smoking pot for any reason. You want to do it? Go ahead, knock yourself out. Not for me. not really on topic but I have to wonder why you feel so strongly about pot. we're not talking about heroin Any drug, really - even alcohol - just not for me, and it would be a cold day in hell before I actively chose to take something like that. I personally think that alcohol should be much more restricted than it is, as it kills far more people than pot or other drugs. I personally have no problems with other people taking drugs, as long as they act responsibly with it and not endanger others. so you're straight edge, interesting. Not to get too personal but does it stem back to an alcoholic parent or early childhood trauma? or a religious viewpoint? or fear of lack of control? I was thinking last night (at a doug benson show) that its weird how if someone drinks everyday he's an alcoholic but if he smokes everyday he's just a stoner. maybe not that weird but very different To each their own and I think you and my brother would get along gloriously JR. I love him but he thinks he is right all the time. He is not right all of the time. The world is his website, as watmm is yours. All habits are addictions, no matter if it is drugs or biting your finger nails. They all have consequences and benefits as well. Addiction doesn't just need to be a negative word. Just as JR said, as long as it doesn't impede on others' lives. Papa Rex don't believe in dancin neither! Countdown to Prometheus 3D IMAX in 30 minutes and no, I am not getting high before seeing it, this time............................ and now back to subject: STOOPID SCIENTISTS! DUMB HE-MAN LOOKING CREATORS. DUMB SUICIDE MISSION SCENE! I love how much this film either bugs the shit out of people, they love the fuck out of it or they are on the fence about it. Love, Hate, Love/Hate. Good art has many varied reactions, this is how it becomes well known art as well. Bad art gets no reactions. imho
  7. Oh just the fact that I am spending money, for a third time, on a film that you despise. Thought it might get your goat but I know you don't care. It was a friendly fuck you.
  8. this film is a drug. I am going to see it at IMAX in less than 3 hours, yay! Third time. Fuck you Squee, I love you man. Sorry Jimmy but this film is awesome in 3D, and as I said before most are not.
  9. the Orrery room scene is def my favourite. the first scene. the shots of flying through space towards RU-486. the film looks and sounds amazing.
  10. WOO HOO! I LOVES MOOVEEZ! Where's my gun? Iam seeing it again tomorrow for once last romp in space before I get my robot body and travel through space forever. or til my robot body gives out. and Robbie liked LOST, *mind blown* I don't think anyone went to this movie expecting answers to those questions, Luke. Yes Sir Rexalot, they were expecting answers and they are pissed. I was one of the ones that expected nothing and was pleasantly surprised. I love space, space in 3D is even better. I also enjoy the story. Enjoying the story is what sets fans of this film apart from non fans. Well Robbie hates the Engineer design. So picky people with superior aesthetic choices also hate this film. love ya Robster. did you decide to sneak away and smoke some pot? holy shit man "Lack of understanding" Give me a fucking break - I'm just sick to death of pretentious assholes (I'll let you decided for yourself if you're in that camp or not) who complain about movies mostly, from my perspective, for the sake of doing so instead of doing what movies were meant for - enjoyment. I enjoyed this movie - is it some great literary work? Fuck no. Is it enjoyable on a visual level? Quite so. Does it have decent pacing, and plot progression? I'd say so. Is the acting decent? Sure - no Academy Award-winning performances for sure, but were the characters believable and play their roles well? Sure. Please, Oh Great Movie Expert™ - please educate a mongoloid like me on why I couldn't possibly have enjoyed this movie since it's so mediocre. Please explain to me why I felt satisfied and enthusiastically talked about this movie with my family. And, for your final act, please tell me how you can say I'm wrong if I think it's the best Sci Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner, which happens to be my favourite movie of all time - I'd love for you to tell me how my own individual likes and dislikes couldn't possibly be right in stating something like that. And if the day ever comes that I would be retarded enough to smoke pot, rest assured I'll pretend to hate movies for the sake of it along with all the other half-baked morons on the internet. HOLY EFFING LOL! Don't mess with Papa. I felt a belt hitting my ass with that reBUTTal. punz good drugs are not all that bad. juss sayin........ woh, these are lies right man? ne'er would've thunk it. i just literally do not believe you are telling the truth, don't ask me how or why i feel this way i just cannot even process a sentence such as 'best scifi movie since bladerunner' please don't take offense OH DAMNZ. Nerd warfare at its most rare and vicious form. Duck and cover. and again, Love ya Monsieur Robbe.
  11. I love Bill Murray. and this was found after an insane hail storm here in Dallas by a friend that had just seen Prometheus as well. Looks just like the Black goo worm snakes. nuts!
  12. @Jimmy: Well I think this film is the best use of it so far but on most other films I agree with you. Damn production companies won't make that many interesting films to warrant 3D. So with Prometheus, Piranha 3D and How to Train Your Dragon being the only exceptions in my mind, you are right. @Squee: I heard that he was running around pinching asses of hot girls that I worked with and telling them that no one would believe them. He is Bill Murray. They enjoyed the ass grabbings. He wasn't creepy about it, they all now have an awesome story that people might or might not believe.
  13. @Squee: hehehe, so many questions. Your avatar makes me want to meet Bill Murray so badly. Came close at the theatre/restaurant I worked at in Austin, Alamo Drafthouse. I wasn't at work the day he came back into the kitchen and was being all awesome to the employees. BLAST! I did get to talk to the Wilson bros' mom at my current work the other day about Moonrise Kingdom and asked her why neither of her kids were in it. Schedule conflicts. She is a regular. I think I might ask her, I mean beg her to bring Bill Murray into the store if he is ever in town hanging out with her kids.
  14. I noticed your gml Gordo, I flol'd.....you are great sport. I am going to see it again in IMAX 3D on Mon or Tues. Sorry Jimmy but I think this film is the best 3D film I have ever seen, besides How To Train Your Dragon.
  15. by dialed in back, I actually meant that I thought it was more tastefully done than Avatar, also considering the content is far more mature than Blue Smurfs in Space.
  16. yes. It was filmed in 3D and I thought it looks beautiful. It may be dialed back a bit in comparison to Avatar but it is still quality 3D and worth the extra money if you are going to a nice IMAX theatre and not the mass produced ones that are being built everywhere.
  17. Nope, if anything I like it more that I think about it, and read peoples interpretations etc. It's just a movie. And yeah, the flute didn't ruin the film for me or anything, it just seemed off. It could have been some awesome hologram interface that was an instrument, and they could have done a simon says type thing, enter the right pattern/melody. It just would have seemed more appropriate seeing as there were all of these holograms and crazy green electricity energy waves etc. What happens if the engineer lost the flute whilst sitting around a campfire getting high? flol! Damn dope smoking progenitors! I wish I would have seen Aliens of the Deep in 3D, oh well. Hopefully in the future. I thought the sound in Prometheus was perfect. I bet we disagree on that as well. I also appreciate the depth more than the pop out unless it is Piranha 3D, that was a fun experience, haven't seen the new one, not going to. The sound design in Drag Me to Hell was amazing. So much metal on metal. Scares me thinking about it. well that's understandable. the sci-fi stories i enjoy are much more plot driven than character driven; just what i prefer. that's definitely not a lot of people though, which is cool. that doesn't mean i don't wish the characters in Prometheus hadn't been more interesting, realistic and complex, but it's not a deal breaker to me. chalk it up to reading lots of Lovecraft and whatnot. there were a few interesting shots and events that seemed to call back to previous Alien films scattered throughout. the first one that comes to mind is the 'de-briefing' towards the beginning, reminded me of the same scene in Aliens. I saw a lot of parallels between the films as far as plot points go. The entering of the pyramid vs the entering of the ship in Alien. The debriefing vs Aliens' debriefing. The waking up from hibernation. The last scene in Prometheus vs the last scene in Aliens. Many more I am sure. Yeah, Lovecraft did not do much character development but has tons of amazing detail and over arcing story, this is why I love his writing. And yes Compson, the abortion scene vs Shaw's most likely pro lifer Christian fundamentalist beliefs is a very interesting point.
  18. page 70 "Can't we all just get along?!?! *gargle* *drown*" I have come to the realization that I despise most human drama and love watching them get eaten by monsters, especially when they are acting ridiculous. You guys hating on this film because of the despicable human interaction within it will find a giant squid monster in your closet this evening. Has anyone here worked retail? I see stupidity every day, much worse than In Prometheus. Sleep tight.
  19. Weyland didn't give any shits if the crew lived or died. He had David to help him. David was the only character he cared about. The other characters were all extras, red shirts. Get over yourselves and enjoy FUCKING SQUID MONSTERS! One of the best creatures I have ever seen on film. Are we on page 70 yet?
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