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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Of course he pardoned that guy. What he did is absolutely in line with everything Trump and his party have been advocating since before he even got into office. I'm just surprised he wasn't already a member of Trump's cabinet. Maybe he'll be stepping up soon enough in this onslaught of firings and resignations.
  2. This topic has finally infiltrated my facebook feed. Someone posted a quiz with the following: 18. Does pineapple belong on pizza? He thought it did not, but that it's okay if other people enjoy it. Case closed. Case reopened on second thought after reading that bit about mint jelly. I think jelly's disgusting both in doughnuts and on toast, but it actually improves a lamb roast. Sorry guys.
  3. He did it guys!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSpnmLYMLhw Also, glad to hear you're still with us Cryptowan. Take care of yourself. This would have me shitting my pants mos def. My headache seems to be gone. I guess it's true time heals all wounds.
  4. I've had this mild headache most of yesterday and today. The only time I typically get headaches is if I go too long without any coffee after waking up, but those tend to fade almost as soon as I start my first cup. This one's just lingering on and on, barely perceptible but present enough to be slightly annoying.
  5. I did the same yesterday. So for dinner I ended up eating to huge bowls of curry and 3 slices of pizza. My stomach feels pretty fucked today. That's quite the binge! An entire premade oven pizza + bowl of ice cream is my favorite way to top off a day of neglecting my body's basic needs. FWP: there seems to be a recent trend with facebook friends in the 50+ age group posting quizzes like: "if you can spot all the images that don't fit, you have OCD" or "if you know the definitions of these 20 words, you have a genius level IQ." And then they and a dozen of their equally clueless friends get all hyped up on how they are somehow all OCD supergeniuses who got perfect scores on the quiz. I swear I've seen 5 status updates like this in the last week.
  6. Got caught up in a remix and forgot to eat dinner. Now it's 2Am and I'm starving. I guess sleep will be a while off yet.
  7. My lap top's a Mac but my desktop's a PC. I did discover the built-in group rename option, but it's very basic and doesn't do what I needed to save time. The program I downloaded covers every conceivable angle of en masse name changing.
  8. I also hit the jackpot on modular synth samples... which is what prompted me to look for that renaming program. I've been constantly downloading them since yesterday and I'm not even a quarter of the way through. FWP is that I'm going to have such an overwhelming amount of cool new sounds to work with I won't know where to begin. It really is insane how easy it is to obtain things for free that would require hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past. Of course it's not quite the same as having the actual gear, but still pretty incredible.
  9. Today it occurred to me that there must be a program out there that can rename multiple files in an intelligent way - ie. crop first 20 characters from all selected, crop last 5 characters, etc., so that any file downloads that have random arrays of numbers and things like that preceding/proceding them can be tidied up en masse. So I found that program, and good lord is it useful.
  10. It would take almost a year of listening nonstop to go through all the music currently on my hard drive, not including all unzipped albums. But I probably only listen to an average of 45 min of music per day, not including the music I'm working on. So... I should be dead several times over before I listen to all this stuff again.
  11. that's one of our favs too! Did you guys ever have their pesto bagels/sun dried tomato bagels back when that was still a thing? I've never had finer bagels. The discontinuation of each was one of the greatest FWPs I've ever had to face.
  12. Yeah, that's the stuff I'm talking about. You can find it all over the place where I am. There was one grocery store that used to do it right - Safeway. They also had the best bagels I've ever had. But alas they are no more. I don't recall ever getting the weird cracked out sensation from their coffee.
  13. I swear I have some sort of weird reaction to flavoured coffee pretty much straight down the board, regardless of brand, but I can't find any remotely scientific sounding information to validate my concerns. Any article on the "flavoured coffee is bad" side uses that idiotic argument where someone mentions how it contains X, which is also an ingredient in this nasty thing that you would never ingest. That argument makes me so fucking angry and it needs to stop. But I really would like to know what the deal is behind this odd sensation I get whenever I drink flavoured coffee. Regular coffee makes me feel sharper and boosts my mood, but the flavoured stuff makes me feel high and cracked-out. Anyway else experience this?
  14. 22! That's crazy old for a cat. My friend just posted that her 18 year old cat passed away and here I was thinking that had to be a world record. FWP: woke up slightly earlier than I would have chosen.
  15. That brings back memories... one I posted in this thread a couple years back I believe. Woke up with a nice glossy cat turd under my cheek. Charlie! I miss that little poop deviant. Never did manage to successfully potty train him for #2. Usually he at least kept it in the bathroom. His heart was in the right place. Poop not so much. *edit: the cat shit brings back such memories, not the girl problems... though I guess it sort of ties in because: FWP: missing kitty my exGF has custody of.
  16. Mike Pence's website was hacked. Reads like an onion article now. http://www.officialmikepence.com/
  17. Yeah... it is what it is. She has a limited budget and I wish I could just focus on making the production arrangement as awesome as possible, rather than spend most of the time fixing problem spots on the performance.
  18. Is she off-rhythm too? This seems unlikely but is it possible that she wasn't listening to the rest of the track while she was recording? lol nope - I can hear the rest of the track quite clearly on her vocal takes. The rhythm problems are less obvious. Most of that part is at least in the ball park. But everything's doubled, so if one take is a little off rhythmically it sounds gimpy. FWP: there's already a Potus on bandcamp and it isn't a sweet metal band like I'd hoped. Apparently it's an MF Doom collab? The EP is "coming very soon" as of Jan 9 2013.
  19. I've mentioned it tactfully, and explained I've spent X amount of time pitch and time correcting her vocals before. So she knows how much of her budget is going towards vocal edits. What she may not be aware of is that it's not normal for such an inordinate amount of time to go into that part of a project. If she were recording with me instead of on her own, I think we could nip this one in the bud. But she's sick and extremely weak, gets exhausted easily, and I think pretty much just has to do it on her own time when she's able. I know she's been struggling just to get it to this point... so there's not much that can be done.
  20. I've been sucked into a pitch correction vortex. Client's recording the vocals herself and I'm having to pitch correct about 90% of every syllable. Many are a full semitone off. It's insanity! I've heard her sing outside of recording, and she's actually got a pretty decent voice. Isn't that pitchy in person. I wonder what changes when she hits record, and why she's not hearing how dramatically off-key her voice is. So weird.
  21. Yeah I'm pretty choked that the last couple I heard had the intro cut off.
  22. My podcast guys? Maron's WTF podcast is the one I turn to 90% of the time, but I'll occasionally listen to Opie and Anthony or Harmontown (that's Dan Harmon's podcast, dude who created Rick and Morty). I'm listening to Maron interview The Lucas Brothers as I type this. it's a pretty great interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rbn-b9Bq7s
  23. A client requested I fade out the drums right before the climax of their song. Now I'm at the mastering phase of this project and hearing the arrangement again... what the hell were they thinking?? Makes absolutely no sense. Just as the fucking song's gaining steam remove the pulse that's giving it life. Ah well... I tried pushing the logical arrangement with the powerful ending on them, but for some reason they really want the anticlimax climax. It's so weird when artists insist on having their songs ruined.
  24. Maron's really great at connecting with whomever he's interviewing and getting them to open up. I do find it a little frustrating when he tries to discuss music though... goes a bit out of his depth there, despite being a hobbyist guitarist. Other than that he's one of the best interviewers around. I think I've listened to well over 100 WTF podcasts.
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