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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I watched a 22 minute video of an engineer EQing guitars on a Meshuggah song, just notching out annoyance frequencies. I guess I must have been pretty mesmerized. 22 minutes! It didn't give me anything, other than confirmation that other engineers obsess over such details too.
  2. I had to sneeze really bad and could tell it was going to be a glorious one, but I was carrying a full cup of coffee which the sneeze would have certainly spilled. So I held it in and lost all that satisfaction. Re: clients not paying: been there. One was a girl who sang several Christmas carols and got me to record all the instrumentals for her to sing over. When I billed her for all the work I did she protested that she thought all the instrumentals were like the "finishing touches" and would just be thrown in free of charge. Wow. We had an email exchange that started off fairly reasonable but escalated into quite ugly quite fast. I ended up making noise tracks out of 3 of them for various watmm Xmas comps, so I feel like I won that battle in the end. Another client who seemed like he really did intend to pay his half of the project (it was a duo) stopped responding to emails. He seemed kind like a depressive person and I know he was embarrassed that he couldn't pay up front because of all these car repairs that he suddenly needed to pay for. To this day I wonder if the reason he stopped responding was suicide... It's more likely he just felt he couldn't afford it in the end and was too humiliated to fess up. But I'll probably never know. These days I just make clients pay as we go. No one ever owes me more than $50 at a time.
  3. Everyone's writing their facebook statuses in these giant coloured boxes now and I don't understand it. It upsets me.
  4. The stem 7z file for the remix contest I was about to take a crack at is corrupt. Now I don't know what to do with myself.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYzcPMaf1Ls
  6. There are 1.2 gigs of stem files for this remix! Jesus... condense and organize a bit ffs.
  7. I remixed the wrong piece for the classical music "remix" contest I was about to enter lol. The bastards tricked me by including it in the link that lead to the intended piece (it's one section of a five part suite). I'll see if they'll accept it anyway, since this was an easy mistake to make. Generally remix contests don't link to 4 of the wrong stem files alongside the correct one. There's even another suite included in the contest, in which all parts are valid for remixing. On the up side, because it's a creative commons license on the song I can use my version for whatever I want... I think. And I do really like it. I've never heard a classical piece arranged like this, so that's neat.
  8. Are you officially chosen? When I was summoned I was one among what seemed like more than 100 people. They call people up at random from that group and then the defendant and prosecutor accept or veto who they want or don't want. They had chosen the 12 before my name was called. It was a pretty boring waste of an afternoon. I was actually hoping I would get selected because it would have been interesting to see a court case first hand. Plus I could tell the accused was guilty as fuck just by looking at him.
  9. Send them that Cool 3D World Rock 'n' Roll video. They will thank you for going above and beyond what was requested.
  10. i'm just wandering in so this thread appears in my content. carry on...
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InbaU387Wl8
  12. I have used the "Ableton? More like Disableton..." line to calm myself after crashes on numerous occasions.
  13. ...scratch that. The new one crashed 5 minutes after I posted that. Music production is just an ongoing FWP.
  14. This newer version of Ableton takes SO much longer to save. But the last one crashed at the drop of a pin so I guess I'll just suck it up.
  15. I actually thought he was doing pretty good considering how difficult it would be to convince anyone that Trump can be trusted... right up until he blew it hilariously at 4:13. Honestly I was surprised he held it together for that long.
  16. It's become self-aware, throw your laptop in the river before all is lost Excellent suggestion. Only problem is it's on a desktop which is too heavy to easily haul to the river. BUT AS IT SO TURNS OUT I solved my FWP by *totally not pirating* a slightly updated version of Ableton, which opened the file without issue. It only took 7 and a half hours of trying different things out to get me here... and that is why I am able to stick to this here FWP thread despite my FWS. In fact, that is probably the most time i've ever spent trying to work out a solution to a music software problem. Man... what a brickwall head smacker of a day.
  17. Disabling my vst folder was one of the first things I tried, but that didn't help. If I could disable Ableton's native plug-ins I think that might fix it, but there's no option for that. I tried moving that folder elsewhere, but Ableton still managed to find a way to read it.
  18. Ableton won't open a particular project file because there is not enough RAM available, and I'm not sure how to get around that. I can't open the file to anything to it that would reduce the amount of RAM it uses. So frustrating that it doesn't save backup files like other programs I've used. Then I could just open a version from before the problem started. I think this project may be a goner. 10+ hours of my life wasted... ah well.
  19. Client from hell wants me to do some mix work. He already hired a hotshot producer from LA to do it, and was unhappy with the result, but the problem is the material that's being worked on. I know there's no way he will ever sound like the rock star he imagines himself to be, and that he will never understand that. I know he's going to want certain aspects of his mix to sound like what the other guy did (drum triggers and whatnot), and will be micromanaging in insane ways that will only hurt the end result. Then he won't understand why it sounds like a mess. Nice guy, but man... intensely delusional. I know this is going to be a fiasco.
  20. My tastes are quite eclectic, so I can usually find something to appreciate about any music I spend a bit of time with. I'm often more surprised when I find something that truly bores me, heheh. It does happen though. FWP: attempting to do the thing I hate doing the most, writing a bio to hype my music up to record labels. I've been forcing myself to the task for over half an hour now, and I've only got an opening sentence to show for it. On the upside, The Ohio Players album Pleasure has been an excellent albeit ironic soundtrack to my most hated activity.
  21. I found out today that Bill Paxton directed this music video classic, as if he wasn't already cool enough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar6-J6WHnwY http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bill-paxton-fish-heads-video_us_58b4585ae4b060480e0a66f3
  22. It's madness. And I'm at a stage where I even want to hear all the music that was historically influential, even if it's something I wouldn't be that into. Like "I should really hear some Eagles albums" or Justin Bieber or whatever the fuck. But it's hard enough finding time to hear the music I love, let alone all the stuff that confounds me.
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