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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I was bummed I didn't get selected for jury duty when I went through that whole process. I was so ready get my justice on. My gramps and great gramps were both judges and my father was a small time lawyer briefly (divorces, petty theft, no rapists/murderers that I know of), yet I've never witnessed any real life court action. FWP - found a deodorant that successfully combats my newfound man-stank, but it makes my armpits itch like a motherfucker. I first noticed it happening right before that new Twin Peaks episode with the horrible armpit itch girl aired. Lynchian omens can't be good....
  2. My friend just bought a house after 2 YEARS of searching. I checked out many half a million dollar derelict shit shacks with her. The housing market where I live is stupid, and it's so competitive people are willing to pay an extra hundred thousand just so someone else won't outbid them. FOW: my cat's belly fur is way too soft. Makes it hard to get anything done.
  3. Any time I record lead guitar, I end up doing takes until the tips of my fingers peel off, and I play like I'm strangling my guitar. Sounds pretty cool... but it's not supposed to hurt this much. This is what I get for never soloing for my first 15 years of guitar. This shit's supposed to be relaxed and automatic.
  4. But he was so quotable! I don't see how they're going to top the ineptitude of Spicer and the brazen overconfidence of the mooch. But... this administration never ceases to amaze.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cCkQkvelp8
  6. I can, but I prefer not to since every system I have that plays cassettes sounds like ass.
  7. Why is it always the vocalists? I swear singers in bands are 90% more likely to commit suicide. Too much public scrutiny maybe? More sensitive on average? I mean, anytime anyone hates a band, it's usually the singer it gets pinned on. Everyone hates Chad Kroeger, but does anyone really hate the drummer from Nickelback? Anyway... I wasn't a fan of their music, but that guy had a hell of a voice. RIP
  8. At 1:16:50 in this Tool seminar dealy with Adam Jones he plays a "new" riff (from 2014) that actually branches out a little bit melodically from what he normally does: That's the most promising bit of new material I've heard since this thread was born, so I felt I should share.
  9. Heheh yeah, that song was awful and I blamed Moby before walking out of the room. Pretty sure Lynch is using studio versions of all the songs, and for some reason producers are still slapping autotune on everything. That song would have been terrible either way. Some songs are just born bad. The song at the end of the previous episode was fantastic though. I need to hear more from that band.
  10. Oh shit I gotta get on there to justify all those hours of life I wasted.
  11. I agree that blue cheese is fucked, and yet I've become obsessed with it. My mouth craves the weirdness - ordered a blue cheese burger just this Wednesday. I was about to say something about never having blue cheese on pizza, but it just occurred to me I have had it on one of those premade oven-ready pizzas. I don't recall tasting any blue cheese though, so it may have been some other cheese dyed blue. Still good.
  12. Found what I was looking for. It's be a CG artist who goes by the name MeniThings. If Chris Cunningham's too busy, Aphex/Autchre should definitely look this guy up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1L_eGwbMEY
  13. This is incredibly well done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0JEvFXr7l4 Wish I knew who made it. I want more.
  14. Pepperoni, bell pepper 'n' peanut butter. Now there's a pizza.
  15. I haven't done any serious editing work for voice over work before, but I can see how that could be pretty mind numbing. I thought the drum track I was editing today was going a little smoother, but it's still taken an hour to get halfway through a song. I swear the drummer's got more of a handle on the groove with this one though (pretty sure it's a different drummer). I wish whoever was engineering on the other end took the initiative to have the drummer play into any punch-in spots though. There are several points where ringing out cymbals get cut-off abruptly into what's obviously a new take. Hopefully the other instruments will make that less noticeable.... but fuck, you'd think a studio that charges $80+/hour would have their shit down a little better. If I were a paying client I'd find that completely unacceptable.
  16. 400 edits, 6 minutes of audio (2 songs), 5 hours work. Sheesh. This is giving me flashbacks to that death metal band I recorded back in the day... although their songs were 3 times longer with 20 times the kick drum.
  17. Ha. Schwarzenegger typo. Drum edits make a man crazy.
  18. That's fucking amazing. What's the atmosphere like in your hows in the days following something like that? I remember Fred McGriff posted about being drunk in the middle of the night and deciding to urinate onto his TV. I never get any more experimental than pissing in the middle of the road when Im drunk. Nothing too fancy. FWP: drum edits... the number of edits VS number kicks/snares are almost even... It's always good to do several takes.
  19. I think he tries to appeal to all ages. He seems to pride himself in being able to keep the "State Fair" audience entertained, which to his mind is what makes someone a true comedian. I still haven't seen his act though. FWP: need to borrow a guitar amp and get it down to the venue by 8pm, but I can't get ahold of my friend who's *hopefully* helping me get it there. Shit.
  20. I think Danny was referring to Gallagher, not Maron. I hadn't heard of Gallaher either, except as a reference Bill Hicks used when he got angry at an audience and wanted to to insult their intelligence. Oh man... if Gallagher actually was an interviewer that would be amazing. I'd listen.
  21. I'm doing some long distance mix work for a friend, who recorded his drums at a high end studio where he lives. They charge $80+ an hour. The drums are recorded just fine, but there are two rings on the snare drum one semitone apart, creating the grossest snare sound imaginable. I just messaged him with the bad news, but he's probably still sleeping.... I feel bad because he's probably going to want to redo them, and it's going to be costly. I just hope he didn't record more drums in the meantime, as it took me a while to get around to checking these. You'd hope that an engineer at a high end studio might suggest giving the snare a tune-up if it sounded like that.
  22. Haha yeah that was one of them. Although Marc Maron became really weird towards the end of that interview... he handled that one terribly. I think they were feeding off each other. Maron's usually pretty good, but he doesn't handle other peoples' crazy well at all. I think it was actually reasonable for Gallagher to walk out of that interview, which is saying something.
  23. FWP #2 - I keep watching/listening to interviews with this comedian, Gallagher, because he's remarkably lacking in self awareness and is also extraordinarily obnoxious. For some reason this compels me to hear more. It's sort of like not being able to stop hitting myself in the face. Still haven't watched his standup though. He apparently hits a watermelon with a hammer.
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