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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Was it in a plastic cup or thermos? Those always end up smelling sweaty after a certain amount of time. Otherwise, IDKWTTY. FWP I've been very busy with a few projects lately, yet when I think of the work I'm doing, it doesn't seem like I should be that busy. It's like everything that should take an hour in my head is taking 3 in reality.
  2. lol I can hear every bit you just described so clearly. Fuck. i don't know what song that it is but it sounds like just about all of them.
  3. I'm supposed to jam but my band mate is over 2 hours later than her estimated jam time.
  4. My quarter inch headphone adapter randomly broke in half inside my headphone extension cable.
  5. The Nine Inch Nails! That part did take me out of it. If I didn't know who NIN was I think it may have worked, as the song does fit the vibe. My friend who wasn't familiar with NIN thought it was awesome. But man, everything that came after that scene was fucking amazeballs. Got-a-light guy is classic. I'd be him for Hallowe'en, but it could be too easily mistaken for black-face... Damn it David!
  6. Yeah, that was the general concept of the one I had too, but the bacon was more ground up. There's sour cream instead of tomato sauce. Potato. It is bizarre. Though I did have a variation on it many years ago that was pretty dec' in my inebriated state. I was quite surprised by it, in a "I can't believe this is actually not bad" way.
  7. I had a slice of Hawaiian from Second Slice last night (most quality ghetto slice joint I know), and it was pretty goddamn satisfying. The pizza itself was crisp, no sog factor. I think they do a good job of getting rid of any excess juice when prepping the pineapple. So it works. I had a different slice of Hawaiian when I was volunteering for a carnival a couple weeks back. It was gross for all the reasons expressed here. They ordered pierogi pizza too, which was fucking weird. Way to much starch on starch... But there is indeed a way to make pineapple satisfy in a pizza context.
  8. Awkward lol Thanks for all the Isis album recommendations. I will probably go through all of them chronologically and report back with my findings.
  9. I downloaded the Isis discography and am probably on some FBI/NSA watchlist by proxy. You'd think a fancy-pants terrorist organization like that could at least do some research before choosing an acronym.
  10. Stole my thunder damnit. Hawaiian was my favorite when I was 8 and under, along with every other boy in my elementary school. Somewhere along the line I lost my taste for it, but pineapple on pizza is still better than no pizza at all. BBQ sauce on pizza is actually the worst thing humanity has perpetrated.
  11. The 2nd world doesn't get enough credit. I'd file it in there.
  12. I started reading a Pitchfork review of the new Fleet Foxes album, which contained the sentence "at times, Pecknold threatens to be the most misanthropic, nontraditional student to wander an Ivy League quad since a bearded Rivers Cuomo hobbled through Harvard." I hate music journalism so fucking much. But it serves me right for still periodically visiting a site like Pitchfork.
  13. Every time I make a move on facebook Scrabble an ad for babies/moms pops up. It would appear facebook wants me to knock someone up asap.
  14. Yeah, all I could focus on for the duration of that weird monologue was the unwavering stink-eye he was giving.
  15. I'm posting an FWP on behalf of my dad, which I think can pretty much sum up every FWP ever: "There's nothing there except something that I don't want."
  16. I've been caught in a grunge/90's music vortex since Chris Cornell passed away.
  17. Huh, what are the chances that the artist who snagged that name would actually be awesome? Reminds me of Unknown Mortal Orchestra.
  18. Hmm, I see it when I do command+I. Its under "More Info" Mine gives the sample rate, but no bit rate.
  19. So I downloaded a program just to view bit rates... so stupid that this is even necessary... anyway, my worst suspicions have been confirmed and this whole discography is in 128kbps. Fuck everything.
  20. I still don't know of a simple way to view bit rate on my macbook. To me this is pretty much the most important piece of information that I need next to the file extension and title. I can't get all sorts of bullshit info I don't need about any file. Why would they include all that and then not include something that would actually be useful to so many users. OMFG this shit makes me so angry... why is everything stupid!!
  21. Ah fuck... that drug is hiding in everything. Who are the drug suppliers hellbent on killing off their clientele? insys therapeutics coincidentally they just had the dea approve their synthetic weed after donating to lobbyists to keep weed illegal: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/03/24/a-pharma-company-that-spent-500000-trying-to-keep-pot-illegal-just-got-dea-approval-for-synthetic-marijuana/?utm_term=.7dcbfd76a8b1 Oh wow... that's some nefarious sounding shit right there.
  22. Ah fuck... that drug is hiding in everything. Who are the drug suppliers hellbent on killing off their clientele?
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