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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I'm going to react to this in three years time. When you realize 3 years are up and you need to go back to that post and react to it.
  2. I'm awake because I can't stop thinking about peeing through that screen.
  3. I often get the urge to pee out the window beside my bed (now, for instance), but it has a non-removable screen.
  4. I had a hard time following what was going on in that vid, just saw one act of senseless violence after another. At the end I just felt really bad for the old guy... but then watched the beginning again. Still felt bad for him, but at least understood why it happened. One ugly impulse triggers another until everybody's just fucking awful. Cue every war ever.
  5. Tripe is a must for any self-respecting bowl of pho. Pho without tripe is full of self-loathing, which isn't nearly as delicious. I've never had tripe outside a pho context.
  6. I will see your Pearl Jam, and raise you a Stone Temple Pilots.
  7. But have you ever sucked a cheetah's dick? I have not. Fuck, I forgot how uplifting and life-affirming the music of Wesley Willis is.
  8. I'm always tempted to do this with any item that's done by weight. It would be so easy, and no way they'd ever know. This must be so common. Now I just need to research what the cheapest by-weight item is in every grocery store I frequent. Once, in my early 20's, I ate liquorice someone left on a movie theatre seat, unpackaged.
  9. You remembered it in the correct key - impressive!
  10. Unlikely - they were on pause since March, and officially called it over earlier this month. I don't think they were able to continue paying the rent without the business. It's pretty sad. They've been an important part of the local scene since the 90's (maybe 80's). I've performed there with almost every band/project I've had from high school until now. It was the one club in town where you could contact the booker direct, and pretty much be guaranteed a show. They were really open to giving new acts in any genre a chance. Every other club in town has an elitist attitude about it.
  11. One of the only clubs here who will book local acts that don't have huge followings also shut down for good a couple weeks ago. Bad times for live music.
  12. Yeah! i hear Vancouver had its worst day for cases yesterday, and has become really strict - no meeting in groups outside immediate family/house mates. Definitely happy to live on an island.
  13. It is - Langford to be precise. Are you on Vancouver Island?
  14. Hate to say it, but if I had to guess who the next pres will be after Biden (1 or 2 terms), my bet would be on Kanye. That's how dumb I think the world is right now.
  15. I've had silverfish companions at a few places. Never really understood why they bothered people so much. Totally neutral on silver fish... although the ones I've encountered were all tiny. I'd always try to point them out to my cat so he could get his predatory kicks out, but he could never see them.
  16. That bumper sticker kept popping into my head last night as I was trying to sleep... in a pee pee poo poo society. It's all I see when I close my eyes.
  17. Whoa - did the trump-phone woman do herself up in Trump-face? That's mega-Maga.
  18. I recall it having one list list, and one watched list.
  19. In grade 12 I attempted to ICQ my buddy to let him him know I got a BJ from the girl I was seeing, and I sent the message to her instead. Luckily she thought it was "cute" that I was so excited to tell my friend, and it ended up working in my favour. Could have easily gone the other way.
  20. I believe I'm experiencing... acid reflux? Sounds well IDM, but I'm not so into it. It's not something I normally get, and I wasn't eating anything out of the ordinary. Fuck you, age.
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