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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Bit concerned about this sore throat. The Covid test was negative - great. But this throat thing isn't like ones I've had in the past. Normally they're bad in the morning or night and disappear until the next morning. They fluctuate, and they're usually accompanied by other cold symptoms. But this one is continuous, and there's no coughing/congestion/anything else to indicate I'm sick. It also went from being just a background annoyance to one that's really making its presence known in the last couple hours. Warm tea does not soothe. Ffffffffuuu
  2. He's going to penetrate her with a prick (of a needle).
  3. I showed one person, whose reaction was "Oh no! Ahhahaahahaha Did you do this as a joke or is this his real album cover?"
  4. The client who drove me crazy for the better part of 4 years finally has his album cover ready, and it's sooooo amazing... like something you'd find on one of those best worst all time lists. I can't share because it would be unprofessional/disrespectful, but holy moly. I want the whole world to see... the fact I have to keep it on the DL is killing me.
  5. I magically unfucked my soundcard by accidentally hitting the switch on my power bar while unplugging something, which once again violently shut off my computer. This should have had the effect of damaging it further beyond repair, but instead it made everything go back to normal. And yes, I had tried reseting my computer several times before this. Seriously WTF.
  6. When I'm not with you I lose my mind.
  7. Beef Rinse would be an excellent album title.
  8. https://videosift.com/wtf/video/Anthony-Jeselnik-Roast-Charlie-Sheen
  9. I think the only 2020 albums I've heard so far are the 'chres, Be Up a Hello, and the new Fleet Foxes... new OPN's on my radar. Will try to check out whatever comes up a bunch in this thread. Oh, and new Deftones, which is their best work since White Pony.
  10. Portishead - Third (11 years). I find it disturbing that more time has elapsed between Third and now than between the self-titled and Third.
  11. I too am old, and unable to dislike anything associated with the classic grunge era. There are a few moments on Ten where Vedder goes a bit overboard with the "rrrryeahuh" affectations, but he cut that from his vocab by the time Vitalogy came around. PJ's been quietly releasing one solid rock album after another ever since.
  12. There was a power-outage a few days ago, which shut my computer off suddenly. Any time this has happened in the past, there's a temporary fuck up with my soundcard that I'm always able to resolve after dicking around a bit. But this time it seems permafucked, at least in the important ways - I can't play anything in Ableton. Cubase works until I apply EQ, which kills the sound. I have a new computer that needs to be assembled, so hopefully once I get that up and running I can salvage everything. I suspect a lot of plug-ins I use will not be compatible, but there are only a few outside VSTs I use in Ableton. I was able to at least record keyboards in Cubase for the song I just started working on. Pretty major FWP for me. In brighter news, my covid test came back negative. I really need to get in the habit of creating stems when my tracks are completed.
  13. The horror movie I saw in theatre when I was quite young that I had always presumed to be Tremors, was in fact Screamers. They are almost the same movie, but one has mechanical creatures with saws leaping up from under the desert floor to eviscerate people; the other contains completely organic creatures with sharp teeth leaping up from under the desert floor to eviscerate people.
  14. Yeah, extremely unlikely that it is covid. i'm just trying to be responsible.
  15. woke up with a sore throat, and by some miracle managed to set up a covid test for this evening. Almost an FWS, but the fact that I have to do it at all is an FWP. Had to cancel 2 hangouts... which is a rare occurrence indeed considering how infrequently I make arrangements to see friends. That'll teach me to be social.
  16. Those animations! https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nfD0CKS93/
  17. Dank Memes "similar content" sent me here.
  18. I think this is the first 1000 page thread I've ever seen. So proud.
  19. He pronounces it reasonably twice around the minute point. Wonder what happened there.
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