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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Listening to Youthanasia now... I am bored af. Countdown's actually really solid. The hooks on that one sound somehow more appropriate... less like "okay, now we need a hook to go here." On Youthanasia it just sounds forced. Also, these trebly guitar tones are so unflattering/hard to listen to. I'm hopeful that the discog gets better after this. They certainly never slowed down. *ugh, and Mustaine's voice is just so whiny... really irritating album haha.
  2. Noooooo! Haha I was given one of those and am determined to believe it's the coolest piece of gear I own. I will never get rid of it. But I also probably won't ever hook it up.
  3. The guitar throughout is really quite something too.
  4. Kids you "hated" as an adult, who went on to write some okay songs. -Justin Timberlake.
  5. That one came up in my ads yesterday. Unreal! Also, Squee posted it one page back, I believe. But who can be expected to keep on top of this thread? (Oh god, I think I've done just that...) My life is mostly informed through this and dank memes thread. Feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the ways of the world because of it.
  6. Pee pee is the cure. Vaccine made from my bum-bum. There, now I can fit right in with these people. Someone get me sign making materials.
  7. *misanthropy intensifies* j/k I don't hate these people I just really can't wrap my head around them and they must be damaged in the worst way possible. The majority were probably doomed to become whatever they are now through their insane family/peers/etc. The human condition is just spectacularly tragic.
  8. That post combined with your avatar made me imagine a video entitled "the right way to eat wings during a pandemic." It features a man in the surgeon mask mashing wings into the mask until it's covered in sauce. The wings get tossed aside as soon as most of the sauce is on/around the mask. Presumably he's licking whatever sauce residue happens to get absorbed through the material. I might make this.
  9. This pervasive "being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious" attitude as a cultural norm is so fucking weird. There's no other place in the world where that's a thing for adults.
  10. ...how would they know no one's contracted it from food packaging? How was this conclusion reached? If it can live on surfaces, it can live on food packaging so... Saying it can't be transmitted from food packaging is a HUGE claim. I realize saying "no confirmed cases" isn't the same as saying it can't happen. But how can they confirm what specifically made ANYone sick? Might be someone who coughed near me on a walk, might be a metal pole I touched before picking my nose... might be a box of kraft dinner betty sneezed on before I picked it up at the grocery store. At least give us some indication of why they feel this wouldn't be possible vs. why touching other surfaces might be risky. Sounds like total cognitive dissonance to me.
  11. There are some choruses here and there, but I just listened to So Far So Good and Rust in Peace, and was struck by how often songs had no chorus, or if there was something that sounded like a chorus it would happen once and never again. Very unusual. I noticed the same thing with Nile, but that's a whole other category of metal. Anyway, i know from Countdown onward the choruses became almost poppy (which I don't think is a bad thing, necessarily). Going to go through the rest of their discog. i'm really unfamiliar with most of what they did after Countdown.
  12. I'm gonna go ahead and post Abba in the pop thread again. The riffs/solos throughout this entire album are ridiculous. Listened again for the first time in a while. Interesting how rarely Megadeth ever incorporated choruses into their early work. Even Slayer had choruses in most (all?) of their tunes. Megadeth did a full 180 on their followup, which was all about big hooky choruses. Metallica followed that same trajectory between Justice and Black album. Was Dave consciously following their lead? The timeline certainly works out for that to be the case.
  13. I avoid the stuff for similar reasons. Had one experience where everything anyone around me said had an instant double meaning in my mind, processed automatically, which I believed to be the real message. I also recognized I was the only person interpreting it that way... so they were all unwittingly spurting out some deeper truth that they were oblivious too, and I was unable to explain it to any of them. Then someone put on Stephen Colbert and I felt like he was yelling directly at me the whole time. Then, I became convinced with certainty that if I were to leave the house I would be murdered. I eventually made an extremely paranoid walk home, went upstairs to bed, put on Ween - La Cocaroacha on my discman, and immediately felt safe once it started playing. Also, i avoided downstairs because I was convinced the gas heater would explode. Yeah, pot and me don't mix. *especially funny because I feel next to no anxiety on a day to day basis.
  14. Yes, very samplable - Sean pls!
  15. Ugh, I could not do that. Been to Costco twice, and turned around both times as soon as I saw the line. Most places where I am aren't that bad, but man do people ever love buying in bulk.
  16. Haha, glad I'm not alone. I just had a coffee in an attempt to reset my system.
  17. zomg I wish I could drink one beer in the afternoon without being completely useless for the rest of the day. Does anyone else here have this terrible affliction?
  18. Well there goes my piece of sage advice (in support of the hanger method).
  19. Spent 3 hours trying to get my friend's sound halfway decent for a live stream thing that's happening tomorrow. Tried many things. Was struck by how far from an ear replica a Neumann mic is. Obviously I was aware there were differences, but I didn't realize just wide that gap was until today. Like... jesus, mic technology has a long way to go, if this is a high end mic. Also, I'm always amazed how cheap SM57's are, considering how often they are the best mic for a given task. If Shure were to more than quadruple the price on that mic, people would absolutely still buy it. SHHHH don't let them know.
  20. Successfully ordered pizza tonight. It wasn't very good! But it was pizza.
  21. Your silence speaks louder than words. Is this some kind of protest your pulling?
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