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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by beerwolf

  1. lol woo underground hip hop, taking it back to the streets More like a hobbit taking it back to the Shires. Green fields, log fires and flaggons of dark ale nowadays.
  2. Yes mate I don't understand hip-hop at all. Thats why I have all the Streetsounds Electros on vinyl from when I started collecting at 13 years old and still have the vinyl copy of Public Enemy Yo Bum Rush the Show which I bought when I was 14............... I lost interest in hip-hop/rap just after NWA but I think I know one or two things about hip-hop LoL. It is true that a lot of modern hip-hop I fail to really like. I don't know why. Jedi Mind Tricks Violent by Design and Cannibal Ox Cold Vein are the few examples that have blown me away.
  3. Couldn't put it better myself. No hate either just no big-throbbing-heart-of-loving-adoration either
  4. Not too sure if its 'modern psychedelic'. But Mercury Rev's first album Yerself is Steam is something very special indeed. One of those albums that really bowled me over, because I wasn't expecting much at all but it blew me away. If you are familliar with their stuff of the last 10 or so years then put all notions of what you think it might sound like aside. Its epic. Not all the tracks are brilliant but try these ones to see. Very Sleepy Rivers, Sweet Odyssey...., Blue and Black.
  5. Yes it a great album. On vinyl, the track Circling when the bass comes in at the end sounds so great. And is one reason why those who listen to mp3s alone should buy a turntable. Sounds a million times better via needle and wax.
  6. I would like to add that that was the only time I had a bad experience on them. Had some incredible experiences on them too.
  7. it is important to remember that the fear you felt was caused by your ego attempting to hold itself together, and the only remedy is letting go. stop being a control freak and enjoy the psychedelic experience for what it is; a learning experience. I was in Thailand in a very quiet and fairly remote spot. Me and 2 other friends took a high dosage of them at sunset and all 3 of us were really coming up powerfully, I can remember myself travelling out of my body in different directions at the same time. All 3 of us were holding on for dear life! But not in a bad way. However near where we were staying there was this English couple and both of them were smack-heads (heroin) I had never seen them using but we knew for sure they were on heroin just by looking at them. The chick had a huge birthmark on her face which pretty much covered half of it. What with her drug abused face and the nasty blotch she looked quite ghoulish even if you were sober. Anyway back to me and my 2 mates who were very spaced out! Who are sitting down together and getting to grips with our rollercoaster and who appears out of the shadows? The English couple who had not been seen for a few days. She sits right opposite me in the shadows and I knew as soon as I looked at her, things would go terribly wrong. And they did. Something switched in my brain and her face and vibe triggered off the horrific trip. I knew I had to make it back to my bungalow which I did and then I rode out the nightmare.
  8. I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil. I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away. Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear. Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!
  9. Metallica - Turn the Page to be followed by Grand Wizard Theodore - Subway Theme.
  10. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars. Go on and laugh I don't care!
  11. Big Black - Kerosene Which will be followed by Squarepusher Square Window.
  12. Mmm wouldn't mind getting Joy Divisons first album on vinyl. Reckon it would sound ace. Last vinyl I bought was Four Tets There is Love in You, before that I purchased 20th anniversery double white vinyl of Bleach by Nirvana. Both excellent!
  13. Maybe it's all the preservatives, e numbers, sweetners and processed food that constitutes humans diets nowadays? It makes people all jittery and skittish like bouncing beans. As I mostly feast on slabs of meat cut by my butcher, bananas, berries, nuts, cereals and soya milk. I would say I stay pretty calm. Okay I guess I should eat more vegtables (nothing but steamed green beans really, sometimes carrots and leeks if they are in a stew or casserole) and if it wasn't for my vast intake of micro beer I would resemble something like a cross between Adonis and a Wolf (hence because of the beer intake I resemble something more like a cross between a walrus and a sloth). Either way I am going to sit back and wait for my slabs of rich black vinyl to arrive, put it on the turntable, drink some beer, pin back my great furry ears, drink some more beer and hopefully enjoy the new Autechre album. Cheers!
  14. On first impressions the first 3rd and last 3rd of the record seems very good indeed. The bit in the middle I thought was weak. I really like Love Cry which helps, seems not so much love round here for it though.
  15. Just about to put needle to the groove. The vinyl is sexy!
  16. The Kinks and New Order have been mentioned. Yeah right o. I hate stuff like this Though the fans who suck it all up with glee I proberbly hate even more LoL. And anything by that cunt Robbie Williams.
  17. Caustic Window - On the Romance Tip. To be followed by Mandatory Suicide by Slayer.
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