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Everything posted by usagi

  1. nah, I like Splazsh more than either of those as well.
  2. so there's going to be one more day? just one bump for this then: and also, any word on Aus dates for the Exai tour?
  3. ^ adding to Jev's question, any Australian tour dates as well? an Aus show more than once every 15 years would be sweet, y'all
  4. btw have you heard this? I didn't make it lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gd2hlRP_5g
  5. how did the Skeng remix come about? did Ninja Tune contact you to get something special for their XX boxset, or did Kevin, or did you guys initiate? how do your remixes come about generally, do other artists/labels contact you first? do you choose to remix stuff depending on how you like the original tune, or just if you can think of interesting ways to mangle it? I have to say I was excited as fuck when I heard that you were doing that one, and it turned out top-notch in a way that I totally didn't expect but which made total sense when I heard it. shit was "correct". the Earth remix was another one that I was really pleased to discover you did, although I have to say it's the most puzzling one I've ever heard lol. I know there's subtle differences (gated/compressed snare, if I recall correctly) but I can barely hear them. maybe if I listened for 3 hours and got into a way-out headspace... keep up the stellar work btw. your consistent output and dedication to the craft is inspiring even to non-musicians.
  6. crazy. a friend of mine lives in Duffy now, which was one of the worst-affected areas.
  7. yeah, this: also "the beauty of quitting is that, now that I've quit, y'know, I can have one. because I've quit." lel (do not take this as advice)
  8. genious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYxF3FD-CDg
  9. I think Sean did answer this, bruv. not really, we've been into the way he uses the keyboard since we met, and he does fluff very well. I think we just got mesmerised by the keys, and ended up focusing more there. speaking of Daz, do you know what he's upto lately? is Ambrosia or whatever still in the works?
  10. Sean and Rob, what are your pro tips for a successful job interview? cheers maetlz
  11. (video's edited to be sfw but I still wouldn't watch at work, fyi) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah1lBHTynbQ
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVN4PRLrpsA
  13. irl lol at the kkk guy story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0Mxklw3wQo
  14. this channel is a goldmine, I didn't know Snoop did this shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW3xrFNVfMo
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11aXvISC9bA
  16. couple more RBMAs http://vimeo.com/65684720 http://vimeo.com/65598054
  17. cheers amber and then this happened [youtubehd]s6nkEXuiglg[/youtubehd] it could have been a very shrunken, brown esper for all I know
  18. this morning on the ride to work, I was doing about 75ks on Hume Hwy when the car in front of me slowed suddenly and sharply. I hit the brakes and managed to stop in time, and I was all "wtf are you doing" until I saw the car swerve and reveal a small brown creature - a possum, I suspect - cowering on the asphalt. I barely missed the little guy myself, I was still doing about 40ks and flicked to the side just in time. I caught a glimpse of its face, it was terrified. I feel like a twat for not stopping my bike on the grassy median and going back and helping it off the road but it all happened so quickly I didn't think. plus I was late to work and blah blah blah excuses. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a line of cars slowing to avoid it but I am doubtful it lived. sadfeels.jpg
  19. the little "oh god" gets me every time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEMH2yZ9iLw
  20. lol youtube comment: "[business intensifies]"
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