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Everything posted by usagi

  1. Nah, it's really just a bad album. They lost it for a long while after Psalm 69 and only got it back a little with Houses, and then it was just shite all the way down.
  2. create a chimera xmas jumper out of all of the xmas jumpers imo Please contact Andrew Jenkinson for assistance in this matter. For a small additional fee, he will also personally soundtrack your Xmas jumper experience with a bonanza of fresh acid chewnz.
  3. ^ post should've been followed by haha_business.jpg
  4. ^ still lolin' at how essines fucks up the whole rhythm of the gif with his 10000 shots
  5. usagi

    Now Reading

    I really like the Seamus Heaney translation. I've skimmed through some of the other ones and they're not as enjoyable. pain in the ass finding a decent copy of the Heaney translation round here. Where are you in the world? Faber have a nice edition of the Heaney edition - I can send you one if you like. The Heaney translation is the best by far. Radio 4 were playing it recently, I suppose to posthumously reinforce praise for him, but the audio book doesn't seem to be available atm which is great shame - listening to it verges on a euphoric experience. I am in Sydney and that would be fab, thanks. I haven't had my hands on one of those since uni days. I always liked the way it started with "So." - it feels like a rich, quality translation. would the postage for UK -> Aus be hefty? don't worry about it if it is. I appreciate it in any case
  6. usagi

    Now Reading

    I really like the Seamus Heaney translation. I've skimmed through some of the other ones and they're not as enjoyable. pain in the ass finding a decent copy of the Heaney translation round here.
  7. I still want a Assassin's Creed London that takes place in late 1800 yeah, I thought of exactly this when I played the very first game. I'd also like to see that game cross over into colonial India. I have to say though, AC approaches Lost in terms of storytelling (perpetually asking more questions without properly answering old ones). I seriously can't remember half the stuff that happens starting with Brotherhood onwards, the details are so hazy and confusing that my brain switches off.
  8. except Quaristice was a collection of random, immediate jams which makes it easy to slice and dice bits out however you like them, whereas Exai is more consistent in feel and progressive.
  9. got offered a blowjob by a bisexual dude. insisted he must have vagoo to play. dude won't take no for an answer.
  10. I'm high as fuck on my morning coffee and think I know everything about people and the world.
  11. Yes! I have 2 book reviews and a presentation next week and 3 term papers due by the 19th.fuck it, we'll do it live fuck me. how do you guys do this? I'm pretty sure I would just collapse under the weight of all that drudge work and procrastinate until it was just too late to do anything but turn in some half-assed attempts. I can't help it. no wonder I quit uni.
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