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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    "Lets go with pom.ptmeve" says Sean. "Nah, I prefer qweqn 923" says Rob. Sean sighs, "Lets just finish eating this pizza and decide later"
  2. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    No it doesn't. How does Untilted refer to 8? eight = straight = untilted There are 8 tracks on the UK released albumen
  3. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Great idea, the reverse of the Quaristice / Special / Quadrange grouping. If they somehow managed to trim all this down to fit on one disc, it would be a pretty special trip but I don't know if it would manage to have the same impact. Perlence sounds great on the Quaristice original album because thats the version I heard first. Somebody from watmm made a Perlence megamix which was about 23 minutes long and it was pretty fucking good actually; but there were lots of ideas floating around in that track that made it work.
  4. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    but they don't have a really clear idea on how many copies of this will be sold, so it's still pretty arbitrary. i guess they expect it to sell less than regular albums through warp with all the promotion and stuff so the price is higher, but then the burden on a single fan is bigger.Aside from the initial setup costs of the net-shop and sending out an email, there have been no promotional costs for this release at all. And the only outside costs I can see are TDR drawing their circles and squares. Fact / watmm do all the advertising work for them. I would imagine Warp still take their cut of the cake as they probably pay the hosting fees, but with a release like this you would hope their is a higher % of profit versus a largely advertised / physical release. So if there are less sales, hopefully it all still makes a decent profit and is worthwhile their time.
  5. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    I have no interest in owning this on vinyl, it would cost a bomb for a start. I burned this all to CD because it is convenient for me to listen in whichever work vehicle I end up driving. The digital works well due to the length of the format - end of discussion. If they released a 5 track EP next with a 34 minute run time, I'd definitely buy that shit on vinyl. Horses for courses, etc
  6. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Dang, I've not even listened to Mesh yet.
  7. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    I'm getting post-Oversteps vibes from Chimer-1-5-1.
  8. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Be careful not to catch the feed1 disease
  9. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Exactly. I had the spectral analyser running for c7b2 and its
  10. Saw this guy perform twice over the weekend, he makes some seriously catchy / funny kids songs. And this was stuck in my head all day yesterday - hopefully I can spread it a bit here
  11. ^ Dunno actually, cant decide if bad toy or bad taxiderpy
  12. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Elseq CDs 1-5 burnt. A good use of work time and resources.
  13. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    I just can't take all of this in. I've struggled to take in all of the ae_live stuff too; barely touched the 2nd batch of live mixes to be honest. Some great music in amongst all of this stuff, as already mentioned a few times some really memorable moments and melodies / beats that almost feel familiar yet are still completely new to me. They levelled up again.
  14. Well that's the thing, Alien was released in the 70s and that's what made it so fucking amazeballs. A real genre buster in terms of sticking high tension horror into sci fi which was generally quite a camp /cheesy film industry. It set the bar high
  15. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    So I had a great time at this festival over the weekend but last night I got back to my tent and there was a hella lot of background noise and I was still buzzing from the days activities so i listened to elseq-2 and it was an amazing experience
  16. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    I will probably make my own CD. I'm gonna call it elsedit. All I need to do now is listen to it all loads and figure out what makes the cut.
  17. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    The whole thing won't fit on a double CD, so it would either need to be missing a few tracks, or have some of them edited down (the 20min+ ones most obviously). Is this old information regarding Exai?
  18. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Only had time for a brief skin through last night, but this sounds super lush. Going to delve in deep over the weekend.
  19. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    C7b2 is r2d2's evil cousin
  20. Soloman Tump

    elseq 1-5

    Cthulhu house party yo
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