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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Every time this thread bumps, I think they have added something new to the ae_store
  2. Apparently there is a new swamp thing 6 parter currently running. Anyone Stateside reading it?
  3. New Marvel movie looks like a marvel movie.
  4. I see someone else watches the Horror channel. Yep. It can be alright for the odd quirky independent horror film. But there are some complete rotters on there too - For example Cube 2: Hypercube which was last nights fucking confusing (in a shit way) offering. -i/10
  5. The Canal Slightly jumpy horror that is basically a cross between The Ring and an episode of Luther. Not bad but not brilliant. 5.8 / 11
  6. Yep that's where I'm at. I felt compendium 3 was weaker compared to the first 2 but I dunno I'll probably read it again
  7. I rarely watch movies, I try to pick good ones from reviews / trailers. Last movie I switched off before the end was some real crap Alien rip off starring Lance Henrikson, it was total balls. Man that actor has sunk. I've never walked out of the cinema partway through.
  8. Yeah she stuck it out until the end, mainly just to humour me I suspect. I could tell she wasn't enjoying it but fair play to her for not storming out of the lounge to find something better to do like nail her ears to the table
  9. I listened to Utrecht last night, and my wife was "what the actual fuck is this" for the last 20 minutes. Made for uncomfortable listening because I knew how difficult she was finding it. I was not conceding with the volume though.
  10. Dang I need to listen to Draft again. Vinyl session tonight I reckon.
  11. Labour bench in tatters. I give him until May then he's gone.
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