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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I know plenty of artists get peeved off with the lead times between finishing an album and their label actually get it released. Ae could in theory record a live session / jam / gig and upload it to their webshop straight after, And charge whatever they like for it. And I would buy it. All they need is to get designers republic to churn out a bunch of random triangular pictures to use as covers for whenever they decide to upload new content Job done.
  2. I don't connect with these .wav files in the same way I would connect with a vinyl or CD album. They are mighty cool though.
  3. Is this old? I dunno. I've never read this thread. Anyway, its funny
  4. Great work. I was trying to come up with decent track names but these suit perfectly. Wonder what Sam and Rod call them?
  5. I recently got saga book 1 to see if I'd like it, and its rather great. Nice story and nothing too heavy on the brain but it looks great and is as much fantasy as it is SciFi. Will probably be carrying on with reading it.
  6. Hawk is back! Hope he has turned into some kind of tour guide or sits on the town council or something. And that sure does look like Leyland at the end.... Or maybe it's Lynch himself
  7. ? Filth is their first LP from 1983, White Light is from the early 90s. there was a big evolution in their sound in that period though, yes. OK fair point, I thought it was 86. Yeah, a massive leap in the sound. Not heard the new live set, it was a limited release that sold out pretty instantly.
  8. So I just picked up the 3cd re-master set of "white light from the mouth of infinity" and "love of life", the 3rd CD is additional tracks from around the 1990 original recording period. I have not heard either of these albums before, so purchase was a non-brainer. White light, upon first listen, is amazing. A totally different beast from Filth that was released just a few years before, it is melancholic, playful, full of heartfelt songs and sounds incredible. The range of styles within the album should also be mentioned, Gira's vocals give way to a female accompaniment on a few occasions too. Really surprised / impressed with this and cannot wait to get stuck into " love of life" tomorrow evening. Swans really are band that have reinvented themselves constantly over their time.
  9. Worth a shot - I emailed them when I couldn't download them at work, I got a response on the same day mentioning various ports that I discovered my work network blocked. I contacted them after the first batch kept failing to download for me, even one at a time. Managed to finally grab the mp3 files yesterday after about 40 total attempts. Might start on the wavs later, but I'm pretty sure its just demand on the blerp servers so keep trying
  10. download them 1 at a time Yep done it now. Fun fact:- The five new files, downloaded as MP3, fit perfectly onto a CD with 4mb to spare. Pretty handy as my stereo has MP3 playback from disc :)
  11. heh, I lasted 24 hours before deciding to pay for these. Cant download the feckers though, they keep timing out after about 30mb. Shoddy connection, but it seems worse than last time :(
  12. My brain is not ready for these. I have purchased so much music in the past month that I have not managed to appreciate yet. Gonna wait on these until the new year.
  13. Cool thanks for the update. I intend to listen through what I can over the Christmas break and make a few playlists for myself, will then update my votes. I don't even know how many tracks there were in the end, or at what point I stopped downloading them. And if they have started disappearing already, I guess it makes it harder to keep up.
  14. You are doing a very good thing with music And an amazing thing for cancer research Massive respect from me (and honestly, I don't care who made these tunes and I hope we never find out. It really is a great listen and I look forward to receiving the CD)
  15. Watmm meme surrounding the name of the next Autechre album. Quaristice = 9 Oversteps = 10 Exai = 11 ..... Twelb, obviously
  16. So there must be 40-50 of these tracks that I still haven't listened to. I starting picking my favourites out of the ones I have heard though. Does the poll still work and if so, when will it close?
  17. This could also be true.
  18. twel(b)s fo' sho'
  19. Whereas I saw a counterpoint to the watmm opinion on facebook, where someone I know said that this has been the BEST series of TWD yet, and the best mid-season episiode. Who do I believe? huh?
  20. I'm late to the party on this, looks like download only with vinyl sold out?
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