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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Quote


    noun [ C ]

    UK  /ˈfɔː.rəm/ US  /ˈfɔːr.əm/plural forums or or fora UK/fɔː.rə/ US/ˈfɔːr.ə/

    forum noun [C] (MEETING)


    a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter especially of public interest:


    • Like 1
  2. What's Russia gonna do if they do actually "take over" Mariupol? Rebuild it? With what money and resources? Who's ever gonna want to live there again apart from the people who have been forcibly evicted?

    It feels to me like Russia wants total control over access to the Black Sea, so expect mission creep into other nations after this....

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    the way to do that is to make a peace treaty with russia.  

    Ukraine is only defending itself.  Why should they have to sign up to Russian terms to get them to leave (and then spend the next 20 years trying to rebuild all the shit that's just been dropped on them)

    Your perspective in all of this is very warped, and I feel you are treading a very fine line here.  



    4 hours ago, usagi said:

    since I'm the "this happened before!1!" guy in this thread, let me just say: the heat/night debates set the precedent for this kind of insanity many years ago.


  4. 1 hour ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    it is not choosing to close off from the world.  it is being closed off by the US sanctions.

    And EU sanctions

    And UK

    And Canada

    And Japan, Taiwan, NZ and Australia.

    And the massive list of international corporations, sports, and trade federations. 


    By invading an independent country based on lies and grandiose power dillusions, Russia has chosen to close itself off from (the majority of ) the world.  The economy is crumbling, the army is a farce, and the civilians who are caught in the middle will suffer for decades to come.  You cannot spin that any other way. 

    • Like 9
  5. Yeah I missed out.  I had the seat plan up and there were a few available dots, I clicked one and it said it was already gone.  Tried another that one too... then i refreshed and gone. Ah, what can you do hey. 

    47 minutes ago, hello spiral said:

    we're planning a football hooligan style banner to drape over the balcony 

    but will they see it in the darkness.  

  6. I released a free-to-download 3 track EP which channels my thoughts on the senseless invasion of Ukraine.

    Not quite noise wall, but definitely dark noise....




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  7. 7 minutes ago, oscillik said:

    Last time I saw em was BLOC 2010

    That was a weird venue, loads of deadly steps and small bar areas iirc.  Re-entry queue was massive after Flying Lotus so just stayed in there all day.  Luke Vibert was on as well? Good times.  Actually don't remember much about the actual set, other than it being really busy and mostly dark (but shit loads of Emergency Exit lights....)

  8. One of the gig reviews on the barbican / songkick is pure gold


    It was the worst concert of more than hundred I have been to.

    The duo started out anonymously half an hours later they were supposed to. Rob Hall had to come out and play twice, I guess, because Autechre were late. While Autechre were performing, it was completely dark in the hall. At first, I thought it was sort of a sound-check or an intro. However, I realized soon that this is the way it should be. What they played was just a bunch of random sounds, with no rhythm and no melodies whatsoever. It felt as if there was a baby sitting somewhere playing with a newly discovered musical gear by pushing buttons and turning knobs without any understanding of what s(he) is doing. It went like that for nearly 45 minutes (even less that each of the 'guest' musicians played). Autechre didn't even bother to say 'hi' or 'bye', let alone 'thank you' to the audience.

    I feel I was laughed by the duo, the concert agency and the venue, who did not indicate that the performance is going to be done in complete darkness and very short.

    Very disappointed. I wish I stayed at home.




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  9. 1017362077_vrtualPOSTER-305-V-ex11.thumb.jpg.9c98411d5202df2ab15403f1980fb92e.jpg



    I recorded a noisy weird thing for the wonder valley experimental festival.... the legendary Arachnopus created a fantastic video using some of my recordings taken around Dartmoor National Park in Devon, UK.  Great fun!  Tune in and check out all of the awesome during the streamed event on the 1st, then if you happen to be in California why not head over on the 2nd for some meatspace action.





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