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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. BOOH 1 + 2 were crucial to my upbringing.  Rinsed the cassettes to death. I learned all the words and kinda idolised him for a while.

    Pretty gutted tbh.

    I know his greatest moments were with Jim Steinman (also RIP) but he had that awesome stage presence and vocal range.... 

    1 hour ago, scumtron said:

    RIP Meat Loaf. I think the only song I've heard by him is "I would do anything for love". Is his first albums worth listening to? 

    Classic "meat loaf" opera style rocker, different phases... about love, rock and roll, good times, partying, sex, heaven and hell...


    “It was long ago and it was far away, and it was so much better than it is today.”


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  2. 32 minutes ago, dcom said:

    I've bought many full discographies, Bandcamp adds them all as individual releases in your collection, so yeah, It's a bit of a bother as the collection tools are bloody awful, I've currently got 3765 releases in it and it's practically unusable as you can't filter or organize it properly with facets like label, artist, etc. or tag/label them yourself, there's only the godawful free text search which doesn't work like it should. I've approached Bandcamp with plenty of suggestions to make it better, or at least try to get them to publish an API so I could pull the collection (meta)data somewhere else and make proper tools for myself, but to no avail.

    I too have messaged bandcamp support a number of times.

    Simple things like being able to filter your collection by TAG (ffs... why cant you even do that? If I just wanna check out all the #idm or #techno in my collection that should be possible! )

    I also suggested folders... could I please just put all my NOISE into one folder, techno elsewhere... cant be too tricky for them to sort out?

    And yeah it adds every release to your collection, which is fine, but as above it would be lush to have some very basic filtering tools available.


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  3. Just watched ep1 of ARCHIVE81 on Netflix.  Pretty cool.

    Its a guy restoring tapes from a fire, trying to piece together what happened.  Occult weird shit going on. WIll definitely watch the rest (8 episodes)

    Great soundtrack actually, a bit of research and its Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barlow who have also done Annihilation, Black Mirror, DEVS and Ex Machina.  

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  4. 20 minutes ago, Franciscus said:

    i need a new lorn ALBUM. 50 minutes or more


    He's drip fed about 30 minutes of new music over the past year via his BC, plus the 6-track collab EP with Dolor.  So he's obviously in the studio working on stuff (or at least, has been).

    He previously mentioned an album title of PERIPHERY 

    From discord via reddit (lol)


    Lorn wrote on discord, that this album will have 30+ track(WTF????!!!), so it will be released...in future. Maybe years. Periphery will be his last album, but after PERI he will be still releasing music but not albums, he mean probably EPs.


    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, dcom said:

    I've got them all on vinyl as well, all brilliant; as far as I know they're mostly, if not all, ASC. His music has a lot of rhythmic variance.

    The bandcamp page says a Horo / Aux collaboration. The releases as "Theme" on Horo are brilliant too. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    So are you a multi instrumentalist?

    If a collection of nails, hacksaw blades, screws, metal swarf from a lathe and scrap stainless steel assembled together with bolts, springs and duct tape counts, then yes!

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    This is a recording for a noise stream I performed at just before new years.  Its free download / stream or you can pay me if you really want to....

    I was experimenting with new live sampling / looping and layering ideas, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out.  This was all created in one take with synths, pedals and my home made instruments.  Some of these ideas might be taken forward to my next EP. 

    As always, happy to hear any feedback if you get a chance to listen!


    Also, you can watch the stream of the performance here.  It was meant to be 2 cameras but one of them didnt work which was annoying, so the visuals are a bit dull.





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  8. I have a set on this quite noise leaning stream tonight, via instagram live and twitch from 9pm GMT.

    Tune in and eat!

    It will also act as a listening party for the new "STILL ILL" compilation being released by Vital Things to support the Wet'suwet'en nation and the fight to maintain sovereignty of their land.


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  9. .., and now after watching that, I'm listening to it all again.

    The "iceberg" reviewer annoys be because he refers to stages 4-6 as harsh noise; where it is far from that.

    Sequences are jumbled; there are multiple layers; there is fog and confusion through droning elements; but I would hardly describe it as harsh noise.



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  10. Dit Sese - Dit Sese

    Wet Mirror - Wet Mirror

    Me Lost Me - The Good Noise

    Neil Campbell & Nick Edwarsds - The State We're In

    Shackleton - Departing Like Rivers

    Mark Dicker - Flyalarm

    Himukalt - Knifed Through The Spine

    Lucidet - Life Chaos Death Order

    Scald Hymn - Instance of Home

    Knifedoutofexistence - No Healing

    Trou Aux Rats - Le Cloaque Apres La Romance 

    Ekoplekz - Revenant Tapes

    Speed Dealer Moms - SDM-LA8-441-114-211

    Kjostad - Warlord


    I put some more info and links on my blog if anyone is interested in my thoughts.  

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