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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. On 8/20/2021 at 3:39 PM, cern said:

    How can u make music with a minidisc? ?

    Same way you do with a tape or CD.  Sampling, playback manipulation, skipping, glitching....

  2. Its that well documented phenomena of loving the shit out of the n-2 autechre album.

    It is elseq's time.

    Had a full run through today which I have not done in a very long time.  All material holds up very well, especially parts 1 and 4 for me.  

    • Like 5
  3. 1 hour ago, Jafs said:



    Belting track from Marco V.


    Check out this mix, which I cannot recommend more if you love hard and fast trance.  So much energy and vibes in this. First track mixes into Marco V Indicator, so good 


    Possibly one of the best free cover mount magazine CDs ever. Eddie Haliwell was a master around that time. 

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  4. 58 minutes ago, chronical said:

    if nothing happens today joyrex has to post a selfie in this thread





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  5. Some noise I've been digging lately.


    Will Rest When Dead is particularly lovely crunchy scrap metal abuse which doesn't always do it for me, but on this occasion the compositions are just right and don't overstay their welcome 



    Dit Sese is billed as dense drone electronics, kind of meditative but definitely veers into noise territory 



    Harm Signals, yeah I think the project name gives it away. Short tracks by noise standards gives punchy effect, great stuff



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  6. Brand New Cherry Flavour

    Watched e1 last night, impressed that Netflix still take a punt on shows like this (making it kinda meta)

    So many visual nods to Lynch, with mentions of Cronenburg and Verhoeven. Things get weird pretty quickly, and it feels like it could become a Mullholland Drive series with more horror.  Even the title of the show feels like a nod to Twin Peaks. So hopefully it's a homage and not a rip off as it progresses. 





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  7. Im not such a fan of Vatican Shadow, doesn't seem to break any new ground over other similar industrial techno acts.  But I enjoy a chunk of the Prurient sounds.  Rainbow Mirror from 2017 was AOTY for me, and is still  a fascinating / absorbing listen.  Great stuff.

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  8. 20 hours ago, thefxbip said:


    There is STRONG facts that points towards covid being more dangerous but if someone is hardlocked into a fear of vaccine for various reasons, may it be fear of needles, fear of side effects, fear of big pharma dictatorship that it's difficult to change their mind as fear is something quite irrational.


    Absolutely.  Fear of something new, fear of something man made being put inside your body,...

    Generally, people don't like change.  Especially rapid change that is set about by the people in power.  But over time, this fear can subside as things become the norm.  

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