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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Just made banana pancakes.

    Per person:

    1 egg

    1 banana

    handful of oats, raisins, seeds and a bit of cinnamon

    Mash it all up in a bowl.

    Shallow fry large spoonfuls of mix in coconut oil, loosen then flip after a couple of minutes



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    • Big Brain 1
  2. 5 years + (I think) facebook free.  Not missed it one bit.

    I use instagram for my musical content and have a private family account that I barely update but it keeps my relatives happy to see what I am up to.  But I am off instagram for August anyway as a bit of a socials detox.  The "reels" thing really annoys me, I wish I could disable it.  The adverts are getting worse too.  it is only a matter of time before I close my account completely.

    TikTok looks like the worst.

    • Like 1
  3. I have compiled a collection of tracks as a digital download to Bandcamp, spending the past few days sorting out and thus cleansing my hard drive.

    These are orphans from past projects, early live demos, alternative compilation tracks and things that didn't fit elsewhere, but all things that I consider "finished" and not just any old crap.....

    Here you will find a couple of longform drones, some harsh percussive pieces, a gross noise thing, a suite of tracks previously aired with video on a live stream and a manipulated field recording.  I will add to this compilation in the future. 

    I also included my track "Imbibilence" which I wrote following the passing of Salvatorin. 

    I now feel better placed to move on to new things.  Appreciate any feedback if you get a chance to listen.

    Looking for opportunities of split / label / compilation releases going forward!

    • Like 1
  4. When I trawl my music collection, I realised how many Editions Mego albums I own.  Many more than I realised.

    From the recent Surgeon modular rainforest experiments, the Ekoplekz live work, Merzbow and Prurient, even OPN Returnal .... Mark Fell's UL8 was a slight obsession of mine for a while. 

    The label was a key platform in pushing the extremes of electronic music to a wider audience, he was well loved in the industry hence getting so many big hitters on the label. 



    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, T3551ER said:

    Yeah, will be curious to see what you think afterwards. It's not perfect by any means but... yeah, not going to say any more, but def would be interested in your thoughts after you watch. 

    @usagiread your comments, totally get why you might not like this one. I think part of it's how much you buy into the film as a whole - it's a pretty slow burn and if you aren't on board by halfway it's probably not going to win you over by the end. 

    Also, yeah, Pig so on the radar. 

    Also, also REALLY want to see the Green Knight. 

    It's not on UK Netflix after all :facepalm:

    • Facepalm 1
  6. On 7/27/2021 at 1:16 PM, T3551ER said:

    Watched The Empty Man last night (not to be confused with the Hollow Man or the Invisible Man). Totally worth a gander if you're into horror (it's on HBO Max if you have it), in a lot of ways kind of a spiritual brother to Jacob's Ladder. It's not omg best horror movie ever, but well directed, well acted, with some twists and turns that legitimately threw me - including the ending which is more ambiguous than it appears on first glance. DO NOT read anything about before you watch it - I happened upon it as a recommend that explicitly said go in knowing as little as possible, and totally agree. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    If anyone watches this, I'd love to hear their take. I read an interview with the director where he said there are actually 3 different interpretations you could argue about the end, and that he sprinkled breadcrumbs for all 3 throughout the movie. 


    Ok just realised this is on Netflix UK now, so im gonna watch it tonight.  I watched the trailler, so im primed for a Candyman reboot but judging by many comments it should be something much different.

  7. I missed your brainwave this weekend but I'll definitely check this out cheers!




    This is damn fine, you should be proud of this live collection!

    Personally I prefer the calmer tracks without the fast drum breaks, Comm On and Swarm To Secrecy are standouts so far.  But that's just the current mood that I am in.  

    • Like 1
  8. On 7/8/2021 at 11:53 PM, milkface said:

    Currently halfway through once upon a time in hollywood. Jesus fuck it's boring.

    I watched this last night and loved it.

    Leo d cap was really good to be fair.  The scene where he fucks up and asks for his lines... Then realised he's gotta stop drinking. .. then later the scene with the girl and they applaud him; the realisation and the tears in his face that he can do this and doesn't need the booze! 



    I didn't know anything about Sharon Tate so the whole situation made much more sense after I googled her, and thus the genius of Tarrantino was unearthed. This is the Hollywood that could have been, the alternative time line where a slightly nuts acid drenched stunt guy actually got in the way to intercept the Manson gang. 

    Sharon and her unborn daughter survived, Roman probably went on to make a ton more great films and Leo's character probably had a golden era of films from his new found friendships. Cliff probably retired a hero.  A proper storybook ending. 


    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, dcom said:

    Achievement unlocked  - fully COVID-19 vaccinated (w/ Pfizer-Biontech).

    I'm getting my 2nd Pfizer on Wednesday.  Brought it forward so I could be fully Vaxx'd ready for the festival....


    The festival cancelled due to pingdemic and not having enough staff to get on with the site build

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