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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. always found the Leftie vs Right point of views quite fascinating, and intriguing


    sometimes I'm a bit Right, sometimes a bit Left, depends really


    the stick in my craw with the Left is lazy people who want to go on a massive jolly vote Labour, that's my problem with them. I really can't abide lazy people who sit around doing fuck all, and if you're one of them you'll vote Labour. I also hate posh cunts who have no qualms about instigating policies that see poor desperate people who need and deserve help thrown out to the wolves.


    At the end of day I just prefer to crack a beer open and wack on the tunes. That's my speech for the day.


    Hoof it.

    couldn't agree more.


    Time to open a beer!


    is there some kind of rule I don't know about where if you like autechre, you need to be arbitrarily convinced that exactly one of their albums sucks? (and you can't pick the same one as anyone else.) it would explain so many opinions around here tbh.

    Not really although the most purist members of the Sam & Bob Church will always bring up how "cheesy" Incunabula and Amber sound. Just as it's written in the sacred texts.



    They are not cheesy, they are superb relics from the time they were constructed.  Compare them to other stuff from that era and they are godlike.


    2 Unlimited "No Limit" came out in 1993.

  3. Lefty's enjoy speaking out more than Righty's.


    If I write here "I will vote Tory at the next election" then various people will just call me a cunt, even without knowing my personal / local circumstances and reasons for doing so.


    (PS doesn't mean I am going to vote Tory at next opportunity, so please do not call me a cunt yet.  Although chances are I will unless another party sort their shit out)

  4. So what's up? Are you guys staying or what?

    this will go into the 10th round, with knock down punches from both sides. No clear winner until the judges get their say.... Find out 29th March 2019


    Will the UK get its own Independence Day to celebrate?


    (New thought: At the very least we might get an extra bank holiday out of all this)

  5. ^ Although latest Reuters news is



    President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker is "intensifying talks" with EU leaders after meeting Theresa May on Tuesday, according to Reuters.

    "Prime Minister May came to explain the situation in the United Kingdom and laid out the concerns as raised by the House of Commons, which she told us [she] would like to address in co-ordination with her fellow EU leaders and institutions," a spokeswoman tells the news agency.

    "President Juncker listened to those concerns attentively."

    She says he has also spoken to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.


    So if they are talking again, perhaps the no more negotiations thing actually means something may change...

  6. I never said I wanted Labour in power... I'm actually a Lib Dem voter as a general rule. Was just saying that if they did get in, the weed thing would be a bonus.


    I used to vote Lib Dem during my student days, the local representative had a big following in Coventry at the time.  The glory days of Charles Kennedy!

  7. idiotic. i can only imagine you havent actually read a single detail of conservative conduct over the last 2 years, or are functionally retarded.

    the recession is coming, probably just in time for the final season of game of thrones.


    I cannot defend the Tory conduct, nor do I want to.  There is no need for name calling in this (fairly) adult watmm conversation.


    The conduct of both major parties are severely tarnished and a major shake up is required throughout the house.


    Just not convinced that doing it now is the best timing for the country.

  8. how could you possibly think corbyn would be worse than the tories. utter insanity.

    really just hoping this mess enables scotland to get its independence this time round.


    Currently: Pro-remain leader trying to get Brexit through who is slightly backed by a warring split leave/remain party/cabinet


    Labour: Pro-brexit /anti Europe leader who is slightly supported with a warring split leave/remain party/cabinet



    The worst thing is mixing party politics with the referendum results across the board to give us this melting pot of shite.


    I am not pro-tory or Labour, but I slightly trust the Tories more to deliver the referendum results without sinking us back into a recession which Labour have a proven track record of.



    Calling pro-canabis as a reason for wanting Labour in power is like wanting to pose with your arm in a crocodiles mouth in order to get a cool selfie

  9. So it looks like the UK can remain without approval of the other EU members so the European Court of Justice decided. I wonder if and how this will influence the vote tomorrow.

    the judges that made the ruling:




    ...reminds me of Eyes Wide Shut


    can we just regress back into deranged inbred monarchy again please, I think I'd be happier as a swamp person farming moss as is what appears to be my family history

    Fuck that, I want to go back further. Pre-1066, back to the pagan gods and fears of witches. Bring it on.



    Actually have considered ditching my current high stress engineering job in favour of building dry stone walls out in the countryside.


    Probably going to be a high priority move in 2019.

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