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Everything posted by Stock

  1. I guess a mastoidectomy is just about the bone whereas your sternocleidomastoid is a muscle and is most likely to hurt you mostly because of its inner muscles than because of the bones it connects. Don't know if you'll understand me, I suck at explaining things in English lol. FWP : my turntable is making weird things, such as being unable to play vinyls until the end (when I'm almost at the end of a side, it starts looping a small sample and then the arm rips and the vinyl stops - pretty IDM but I'd like to hear ending tracks TO THE END FFS). If anybody has an idea of what might cause me all that trouble ...(the needle perhaps ?)
  2. Yup! Volume 10: V/A Looked At The Data! https://chatmm.bandcamp.com/album/volume-10-v-a-looked-at-the-data It's damn good stuffs Ah thanks for the head-up Will listen to it ASAP !
  3. Girlfriend discovered Octodad last night. Seeing her laughing so much in front of a video game was kind of incredible...trying to train her so we can play it in coop next time ! Bad thing is : I had to lend her my computer...I'm glad she's already at half of the game !!
  4. Damn it I stumbled upon this thread and now I'm falling in love with Vaporwave... Just bought the Macintosh Plus album (of course...), it's amazing. Also listened to the Donovan Hikaru/Cat System Corp album and a few others - everything is awesome. I didn't read all the thread tho, so let me just ask a question : did you finally manage to put together a WATMM-Vaporwave comp or not yet ?
  5. Yeah, Nintendo also said they would do a reprint of Marth because of this... there goes the Marth market. And this is what we call... The Marth effect !
  6. Doom 4 is in the works ;) And it looks kind of amazing ! Glad they return to a "big guns to shoot everything" formula ! I started Doom 3 a year ago but had to stop when the skull-arachnoid beasts came out of the walls...That was TOO creepy imo - yeah, I'm kind of a pussy when it comes to creepy stuff !
  7. you mean something like this? http://steamcommunity.com/groups/WATMM I can't join it - invitation only. Could somebody change the confidentiality parameters of the group ? JR pls ?
  8. Just discovered Boson X which is a circular-3D-endless-running game, really easy to handle with a real challenge (some levels are really hardcore). Overall nice. Speaking of Steam, I was thinking to myself why don't we create a WATMM Steam group ? Would be easier to share things, see other games, play with WATMMer etc etc
  9. Just finished Octodad after...3 hours of playing. I knew it wasn't the longest game ever but didn't thought it was THAT short. Still need to play the 2 bonus levels and unlock all achievements tho Oh and the Steam Sales really got me mad, I just bought Kerbal Space Program. Tried to build rockets for an hour and a half but never managed to put them on orbit. The game looks awesome but so hard to learn, I hope I won't give up too early !
  10. Finally bought and started Octodad. First game I'm playing on my computer with a gamepad (I know, I'm quite late to the party here). It's a really shitty gamepad tho and won't work with Binding of Isaac, which sucks... Also : is Shovel Knight really worth 15€ ? It's out on Mac finally but 15€ for an indie, 8-bit looking game is quite a lot so...
  11. Just saw Dumb & Dumber To yesterday, being a great fan of the first movie I was afraid of being disappointed by the sequel but found it hilarious and well executed - as good as the first movie. Guess every other spectators in the room hated me for laughing that hard tho
  12. Finally beat Risk of Rain with a friend - the game is even more fun when you play it on coop, the ending is beautiful, boss battles were massive ! Aaaaannnnnd a friend of mine just offered me The Stanley Parable, played it for an hour and couldn't stop laughing - game is utterly fun
  13. Think about it : every time there's a shitty english voiceover in a game, the french version will be shittier Also --> I heard rumors that the next Steam sales begin...tomorrow. My bluecard is ready to get raped.
  14. Goddam the PS Vita offers for Xmas are really tempting...Almost bought one this afternoon (the pack including Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank etc.) I really don't know what to get between a Vita and a GCW Zero (the retrogaming console). HELP !
  15. I ordered LFO Frequencies 3 weeks ago on a big french store website and they just told me TODAY that it was out of stock. Already happened with a Battles EP last year. PLEASE KEEP YOUR DATABASES UP TO DATE FOLKS !
  16. Not telling... Maybe, maybe not... i heard you have to pay for it lol So the imminent shit was a video game after all ?
  17. Will we have to first enter a ballot to get these ? (they look really beautiful tho, any information about the price ?)
  18. I'm more and more tempted of getting a GCW-Zero for Xmas (or just before), does anybody here have one ? I guess that could be the pinnacle of my retro-gaming obsession...
  19. Finally started Half Life 2 yesterday, I was stunned by the atmosphere, the sound design etc. and just learnt that it turned 10 years old like 2 weeks ago ! Kind of awesome. Never really played "recent" games but I think the graphics of HL2 are still really beautiful !
  20. To be fair, the Knicks have been trash since the mid-80s. Only know them via NBA Jam Tournament Edition on Genesis - but they were quite good iirc !
  21. jason, wanna sell this adapter for a lot of money ? think of the loads of records you could get from it !
  22. FWP : I don't even know how to vote for a best answer in a thread
  23. Didn't knew Snoop Dogg made an appearance in GTA V Just bought Risk of Rain of Steam, mostly because it was on sale and because the graphics remind me of Another World which I loved. Is it any good ?
  24. I have another night-time duty starting in an hour. I'll probably spend the night stiching up people and doing plaster casts - might be annoying.
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