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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. BCM


    thanks! there are things in the workings for release soon...
  2. BCM


    for a limited tme only https://soundcloud.com/b-c-m/bushpiss-672
  3. I've got a 5 way midi thru splitter box, invaluable.
  4. patience, my penis edit: stupid swype...precious, my precious.
  5. BCM


    it certainly is :)
  6. BCM


    cheers dudes...was just a little snippet of a new track that may or may not end up on a release at some point
  7. BCM


  8. lol...was quite beered up. no bk that day but did in fact have a burger later that evening when i got home...was leftover barbeque and didn't get a picture unfortunately.
  9. Paddington BK man, i'm telling you...they've got their fucking shit together
  10. also i find the smaller BK burgers to be real dense so they kind of still fill you up even though they're teeny. if you're gonna go BK though you're best off going for a Whopper innit.
  11. BK'd it again...classic Whopper with cheese
  12. maybe i just go to a good one...usually get when i'm at work and go to the paddington branch, which seems to be largely staffed by russians.
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