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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQnForWPm78
  2. every time i watch brass eye or day today i'm always reminded how fucking shit all TV is. Nothing even comes close. Be curious to know GBIII's opinion of these shows as he's always going on about thick of it - but they almost seem *too cool* for robbie <3 lol, i've never heard of either of these TV shows. You're seriously missing out. I love Peter O'Hanahanrahan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnS07NS8110
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EmRI2izygI Not a picture I know
  4. Been feeling a bit down since the start of the week and I should be doing a report for a course I'm on but I just really don't fancy doing it at the moment. More sitting here and feeling sorry for myself I guess.
  5. Whiplash 8/10 Excellent film. Couldn't believe it lasted 2 hours, just went so quick for me. The amount of times he kept being behind or slow or whatever... after the 6th/7th you expect him just to get it perfect. Really enjoyed that.
  6. Started watching Bloodline after not finding anything more interesting sounding to start on. Almost gave up after half hour but now I've watched 2 episodes. Seems like it has potential to get good but not too sure yet if it will.
  7. I'd like to know more about how many they actually sold.
  8. Stoned/drunk and ready for pizza I reckon "your shirt pizzas won't feed everyone"
  9. I'd actually prefer it if they played the Hobbit on the tape that I listened to when younger, instead of the film. Good luck though. There was a Schwarzenegger marathon a while ago that I missed. Hope they do it again. (That's the 1st time I've ever spelt Arnie's name I think. Got it sooooooo wrong)
  10. Couldn't wait for new Trailer Park Boys for quite some time then watched the new season in 2 days. Fuck sake!
  11. I can eat a lot quite quick but that burger is just silly, although I would like to try. That BBQ sauce (I presume that's what it is) puts me right off though. Can't stand the stuff.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yqZhazg7b0
  13. What the hell made him think it was a good idea to microwave it?
  14. Cheers Tricone, might have a play with the colouring. Awesome chopper photo, where abouts was that?
  15. Trailer Park Boys Season 9 On Set - Day 3 Continued: Shit flacklecockles!!!!!!
  16. Yes!! Can't wait for more. The short on set things on YouTube are worth a watch. There's over 20. The Lahey one where he goes off on one about pissing had me in hysterics.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtF3_ybJJ50
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