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Everything posted by TRiP

  1. this is amazing, and only improves on future viewing. I thank you deeply.
  2. I used to play the first Mad Dog McCree game all the time as a kid! Seeing as you kept dying you had to keep restarting and listening to the same cutscene dialogue over and over till eventually it bore its way into your skull and enveloped your brain. (For the better of my development as a human i would hope.)
  3. *edit* finny how a re-listen and different state of mind changes things...i could have sworn when i listened to that bass solo the other night (from 09:15 onwards), it was the craziest solo i'd ever heard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzpfZaZfsZg
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSro8Fu06BA
  5. ^ God bless the Irish can't stop listening to this
  6. mmmmmmm and i implore you all to not spoil it for yourselves by youtubing the scenes now - but watch and wait...it'll be all the sweeter
  7. Amazing!....I encourage everyone to see this, at least just for the last 20minutes - the majority of the movie plays like a bad episode of Saved by the Bell or some other mellowdramatic 80's influenced teen show. However, stick with it, as its all ironic mockery and builds to a shocking and satisfactorily mind-blowing conclusion
  8. i love how the "i'm loving it bit" is even poorly done
  9. as always, i shall recommend Benn Jordan's gem "Pale Blue Dot":
  10. many thanks for posting this - i remember someone was describing his music to me a couple years back, never rememberd the name...until now! however, its also quite annoying - his music is exactly the type of music i'd hope to make...but hes done it already...
  11. my friend owns the Tascam DR-40, cheaper than the H4N and just as good, apparently. http://www.amazon.com/DR-40-4-Track-Portable-Digital-Recorder/dp/B005NACC6M I own a H4N myself. Tis' a nice bit of kit.
  12. The Corvair spacecraft has been taken over -- "conquered", if you will -- by a master race of giant space ants. It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive earth men or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain, there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.
  13. oh lordie - I've also just found that 'earth' are playing in Dublin soon - bought a ticket there on a limb - hope it'll be a sweet impulse buy any idea if they're good live?
  14. aw yum - this is potentially exactly what i've been looking for, cheers was looking for something in the vein of this agalloch track:
  15. not sure if it's been posted already, but: Benn Jordan's (The Flashbulb) Pale Blue Dot. Its just an absolute gem of perfection and beauty. Travel through both space and time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjqBq8J1n-E
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